【 巴西風暴 】阿仙奴22-23球迷吹水區 MMLXIX
夜凪景 2022-6-27 20:17:39 Long shot strong 球皇片都有唔中龍


毛毛的網球 2022-6-27 20:19:48 咁防守又唔係淨靠一腳 tackling 嘅
Thiopentone 2022-6-27 20:19:54 日任
重新迷雲的打手 2022-6-27 20:20:03 📝 DOUBLE DEAL: Despite late interest from somewhere, Raphinha to Arsenal is about 99.99% done and he could be announced as early as Tuesday after Jesus imminent announcement today. 🇧🇷
奧b 2022-6-27 20:21:26
beagoodchicken 2022-6-27 20:23:48 放流料3次就鎖AC
黃金旅程 2022-6-27 20:23:53 有冇汁
重新迷雲的打手 2022-6-27 20:24:44 Hot Football AFC
BigLoveYama 2022-6-27 20:27:25 依個似安桑斯
星漾晴 2022-6-27 20:29:01
華氏451 2022-6-27 20:31:09 流嘅就deal你老尾


重新迷雲的打手 2022-6-27 20:31:44 Cap你圖 到時bin
ミックスナッツ 2022-6-27 20:37:51 https://twitter.com/FabrizioRomano/status/1541109478166347778
超人迪拿曼斯 2022-6-27 20:38:59 此回覆已被刪除
beagoodchicken 2022-6-27 20:39:26 ching
beagoodchicken 2022-6-27 20:40:39 https://twitter.com/EduardoHagn/status/1541400618304016389
vieira 2022-6-27 20:41:24 意狗放流料壓價only

Lo Celso愛狗黃潛買硬
路上觀察學 2022-6-27 20:42:14 https://twitter.com/RefreshTransfe/status/1541401005480415232?s=20&t=y3Ivuen1SQRQ5QFB-8DP6w
韋舒亞(離家出走) 2022-6-27 20:42:41 睇過一場live,佢似拖肥個杜古希多d
PSG_Talon 2022-6-27 20:43:25 https://twitter.com/TheEuropeanLad/status/1541399633699676161?s=20&t=vU3ka4-0caODpI3cmOz2sw
零四多好 2022-6-27 20:45:13 10m比啦


Penny_Oleksiak 2022-6-27 20:45:18 https://twitter.com/televoetbal/status/1541399131410817025

AMSTERDAM (Neth.) - The transfer poker game around Lisandro Martinez (24) continues. Sources close to Arsenal report that the London club has officially increased the first offer of 25 million euros from weeks ago to 40 million euros, including bonuses. Ajax would rather not lose the defender.
林狗@123 2022-6-27 20:46:00 阿迪達憑咩年年有咁多錢買人?
又無成績 賣人又唔係叻 全部FREE走借走
基拔圖施華 2022-6-27 20:46:03 9+19
Ooozil 2022-6-27 20:47:26 含過細高條撚