[網球] 溫布頓錦標賽討論區
奇雲·迪布尼 2022-6-29 18:34:28 唔係淨係睇成績既,有睇場波既都知今年Nadal係無咁fit,當然贏到係好勁


VamosRAFA 2022-6-29 18:38:35 巴打 係咪最近先睇網球post
奇雲·迪布尼 2022-6-29 18:39:10 唔講以為係死忠
Mayuko 2022-6-29 18:42:35 此回覆已被刪除
望咩望㭍頭皮 2022-6-29 18:42:51 等睇kyrgios rocket
希望doubles 唔會打得太差
奇雲·迪布尼 2022-6-29 18:43:29 你自己都識講啦
VamosRAFA 2022-6-29 18:56:29 咁你就中計了 佢平時靠演技立場係隱藏得幾好

不過有時都會break character
奇雲·迪布尼 2022-6-29 18:58:02
奇雲·迪布尼 2022-6-29 19:01:50
得閒打飛機 2022-6-29 19:15:39 good
SAYA 2022-6-29 19:19:02 想睇下又有咩偉論


Mayuko 2022-6-29 19:24:28 此回覆已被刪除
VamosRAFA 2022-6-29 19:25:18 引人反兜? 我都唔知
連登太多痴線佬 無得點解釋
Fatfatfatfat 2022-6-29 19:34:00 話自己有就得
Fatfatfatfat 2022-6-29 19:37:04 就咁tick話有
奇雲·迪布尼 2022-6-29 19:38:55 好奇問下,之前係youtube睇laver cup highlight,啲人贏同輸既反應仲激動過拎grand slam,想問點解
迷cur 2022-6-29 19:48:38 喂屌臨記都要交戲架
VamosRAFA 2022-6-29 19:49:32 事實上同GS就梗係無得比啦
你當睇NBA all stars咁上下 大家玩到好high咁
得閒打飛機 2022-6-29 19:49:55 咁多出場費緊係交下戲既
奇雲·迪布尼 2022-6-29 19:51:09 咁我梗係知啦,見krygios喊到咁,睇嚟真係收咗好多錢
VamosRAFA 2022-6-29 19:51:59 問吓呢到買飛嘅巴絲課咗幾多


奇雲·迪布尼 2022-6-29 19:52:36 課啲咩
VamosRAFA 2022-6-29 19:58:05 Fans were left far from impressed by the astronomical price of tickets for the upcoming Laver Cup and took to social media to let their feelings be known.

The fifth edition of the exhibition tournament will take place at the O2 Arena in London from September 23 - September 25. The ticket prices for the competition were announced on monday, and they were quite high, ranging from £630 - £3031. Fans were disgusted with the cost of the tickets and took to Twitter to express their feelings clear.

奇雲·迪布尼 2022-6-29 19:59:53 嘩屌,表演賽only,係咪貴過gs
tsitsipas 2022-6-29 20:03:53