[一個都簽唔到] 曼聯終極FF轉會窗暨原陣開季吹水區 [1787]
Hins.Cheung 2022-6-24 16:41:57 你阿狗高安基咪一鳩樣


hazel.1120 2022-6-24 16:42:36 我係撚
Hins.Cheung 2022-6-24 16:43:55 不要再暴閘好嗎
毀屍函 2022-6-24 16:47:00 格狗阿狗梅狗 死全家
大園桃子(三期生) 2022-6-24 16:49:41 🚨 | Manchester United supporters trust respond to the Glazers taking £11M in dividends out of #MUFC today

💬 "Reward for failure is poor practice in any business and totally unacceptable."

八俁遠呂智 2022-6-24 16:53:39 堅尼不嬲都係中場中,一個踢晒、滿場飛,係後期先專心逗後
Wickham 2022-6-24 16:53:54 0尊
一帆風順 2022-6-24 16:59:13 我意思係堅尼年代之後咁多個防中都係9塞落去個位度,唔係好岩打
Miyavi 2022-6-24 17:00:37 #mufc bosses had become increasingly exasperated by some of Rangnick's public comments in news conferences, particularly that as many as 10 new signings were necessary this summer. United asked Rangnick to sign a non-disclosure agreement as part of his departure. [@RobDawsonESPN]

Ralf Rangnick was expecting to meet Erik ten Hag face-to-face for a detailed meeting but instead the new #mufc boss opted to only grant a phone call. [@RobDawsonESPN]

#mufc and Ralf Rangnick agreed to cut ties at the end of the season in part because of Erik ten Hag's reluctance to work with the German in his proposed consultancy role. [@RobDawsonESPN]

陸星材 2022-6-24 17:04:12 大撚把啦

費爵爺 2022-6-24 17:04:39 有邊個不如講下
除非你將btb 一律當成防中


毀屍函 2022-6-24 17:07:39 https://twitter.com/richfay/status/1540239818625622016?s=21&t=7nV3NoJRBsC6KkdHWpRPww

以利沙 2022-6-24 17:13:07 Nobody
麥佳亞叫麥麥送 2022-6-24 17:20:45 曼聯縮寫不如直接用ATM算啦
偉不在 2022-6-24 17:26:41 坦狗下一站教咩好
行路草搵草路行 2022-6-24 17:26:42
行路草搵草路行 2022-6-24 17:27:13 返ajax 帶埋vdb 麥隊走
零秒出口 2022-6-24 17:27:23 降班啦不如
D.Dalot 2022-6-24 17:27:55 愛上蘭蛇 再當玩具
夢不拾遺 2022-6-24 17:32:19 唱這歌未
夢不拾遺 2022-6-24 17:32:42 去疤狗教fdj


D.Dalot 2022-6-24 17:32:51 唉 又一day
熊餅 2022-6-24 17:37:14 sad day, poor day, ugly day
D.Dalot 2022-6-24 17:43:55 梅毒:可怎麼去熬日夜顛倒連頭款也湊不到
靴里拉賓州 2022-6-24 17:54:39 今日又Monitor 邊個