[Howay the Lads] 紐卡素地莊開季討論區(66)
手提用戶 2022-6-29 16:50:25 如果Botman 下年正選
Burn 同 schar 都好易俾人引出去


般奴古馬雷斯 2022-6-29 16:51:56 Howe is not averse to playing two left-footed center halves in his back four. Botman is accomplished with his right foot so it could partner with Burn if necessary. Though Edwards expects Fabian Schar and Burn to start the season.
Alan_Shearer 2022-6-29 17:04:32
爽過爽歪歪 2022-6-29 17:07:46 #NUFC will face two German opponents in Austria next month as part of their preparations for the upcoming 2022/23 Premier League campaign.
- Friday, 15th July (kick-off 6pm CEST)
- Monday, 18th July (kick-off 5pm CEST)
爽過爽歪歪 2022-6-29 17:10:56 季前熱身賽:

15/7 慕尼黑1860 (中立場)
18/7 緬恩斯 (中立場)
26/7 賓菲加 (作客)
29/7 阿特蘭大 (主場)
30/7 畢爾包 (主場)
法比恩舒亞 2022-6-29 17:12:07
Alan_Shearer 2022-6-29 17:13:15 餓波
爽過爽歪歪 2022-6-29 17:15:08 #NUFC will take on @GatesheadFC in a behind-closed-doors friendly at the club's Benton training ground on Saturday, 9th July, the Magpies' first pre-season friendly of the 2022/23 campaign.

JM 2022-6-29 17:19:33 今年熱身賽d對象正式咁多
中東穆斯林止咳露 2022-6-29 17:23:53 搵衛星球隊開季是必須的
Alan_Shearer 2022-6-29 17:26:04 東北打吡


Muse 2022-6-29 17:26:55 fm 都會搵下英冠踢
華人永遠農場 2022-6-29 17:49:00 好耐無見過d對手咁正式
hugo 2022-6-29 17:53:55 呢個傳左好多次,勁唔勁?
hugo 2022-6-29 17:59:01 howe講過最好集訓前要齊team
Alan_Shearer 2022-6-29 18:01:20 暫時咁睇就難啲
卡夫芝士特 2022-6-29 18:02:02 有冇紐巴追開twitter
個個telegraph 記者Luke edwards成a 日都灰哂機咁 之前Botman 未買到成日話買唔到㗎啦

跟住買到又話買完Botman 已經冇乜大錢再買人
翼鋒個位淨係話最大機只會買到列個Jack Harrison

當地紐迷都已經Diu 7佢
卡夫芝士特 2022-6-29 18:02:22 成q日
Muse 2022-6-29 18:04:40 Leeds 唔會放埋佢啦
卡夫芝士特 2022-6-29 18:06:15 佢啲思想仲以為紐買人仲停留係肥佬同lee Charnley年代
卡夫芝士特 2022-6-29 18:09:16 我知我只係想講佢唔好仲以為紐記買人仲係好似以前咁

除左Luke edwards Lee Ryder又係 成班呃飯食咁


Muse 2022-6-29 18:10:58 留意david ornstein,Keith downie
hugo 2022-6-29 18:11:33 頂,又簽左翼
卡夫芝士特 2022-6-29 18:13:02 呢兩個有追呀
係上面個兩個零舍廢 Luke edwards又成個怨婦咁

另外the athletic 嘅Chris Waugh 都幾好 佢唔係跟開轉會
Muse 2022-6-29 18:13:42 要比錢先睇到分析文喎