【I/A】App台新Game討論及吹水區(25) - 中資即神作 不在此討論區範圍內
女人湯丸 2022-6-30 20:17:59 唔撚係掛


單手揸筆(奧義) 2022-6-30 20:23:14 下次見到咩好驚就收埋等臨出先放
一隻貓仔 2022-6-30 20:26:02 咁快
支那雞 2022-6-30 20:30:35 我都棄左,
一隻貓仔 2022-6-30 20:31:02
凪原涼菜 2022-6-30 20:31:05 問玩咩一律建議未來戰國際服
女人湯丸 2022-6-30 20:34:53 牙寶有無汁睇下
日日都無啦無啦 2022-6-30 20:40:33 呢隻夠玩成年
keung_show 2022-6-30 20:40:41 我玩咗陣都係咁諗
蕃茄醬溝奶 2022-6-30 20:48:37
Skydive 2022-6-30 20:53:47 我覺得係玩法問題,轉珠都可以有啲小技巧排珠or多combo,但呢隻就真係等天降


支那雞 2022-6-30 21:00:02 講唔出D乜,但就係唔想玩落去
雨寶 2022-6-30 21:33:53 此回覆已被刪除
好賤好頂癮 2022-6-30 22:11:04 Google翻譯:(我試吓highlight 重點)
It has been confirmed that Vespa, the developer of 'King's Raid', has advised all employees to resign.
As a result of this is game coverage, it was confirmed that on June 30, Vespa unilaterally notified about 100 employees of the recommended resignation. Vespa CEO Kim Jin-soo stated that "failure to attract investment" was the reason for the recommended resignation, and also notified the delay in the payment of salaries and severance pay. All Vespa employees only worked until June 30, and it is known that only a part of the company will be left to help clean up in the future.
As a result, Vespa's current mobile games 'King's Raid' and 'Time Defenders' as well as 'King's Raid 2', which was being developed as a sequel, fell into fog.
Vespa is a mid-sized game developer listed on the KOSDAQ in 2018 due to the success of the mobile RPG 'King's Raid', which was introduced in 2017. 'King's Raid' once ranked 5th in the domestic Google Play sales rankings, and continued its success as it entered countries around the world, including Japan, Europe, and Southeast Asia.
However, the game lost its box office momentum as the service continued for a long time. To make matters worse, Vespa also suffered from delays in the development of its next work and sluggish box office performance. The company released a new original IP titled 'Time Defenders' in Japan in August of 2021 and Korea in April of this year, but the market response was cold. Here, 'King's Raid 2', the sequel to 'King's Raid', is in the dark due to development delays.
In the end, Vespa fell into a state of capital erosion due to long-term operating losses, and since February of this year, it was in a state of suspension. Awake! has contacted the Vespa Management Support Office to confirm future plans, but has not received a response.
[Related article] Vespa, capital erosion exceeding 50%, trading suspended due to concerns about delisting
傑彭間諜-溫柴 2022-6-30 22:11:44
好賤好頂癮 2022-6-30 22:15:28 Btw有冇韓文高手
女人湯丸 2022-6-30 22:22:48 牙寶咪韓文高手
蕃茄醬溝奶 2022-6-30 22:24:15
我抽哂成隊弓隊玩左半日 … 就棄
雨寶 2022-6-30 22:24:16 此回覆已被刪除
蕃茄醬溝奶 2022-6-30 22:24:32
女人湯丸 2022-6-30 22:28:07 信牙寶 得糞驚


好賤好頂癮 2022-6-30 22:28:53 薯仔夠啦


雨寶 2022-6-30 22:32:51 此回覆已被刪除
雨寶 2022-6-30 22:34:50 此回覆已被刪除
好賤好頂癮 2022-6-30 22:42:48
要同女女講bye bye了