[PC MMORPG] Lost Ark 失落的方舟 (6) 說好的mid june vykas呢
一起長大的杰倫 2022-6-29 21:35:42 Osaka tinmok


嬲撚 2022-6-29 21:49:47 此回覆已被刪除
一起長大的杰倫 2022-6-29 22:11:49
Safir 2022-6-29 22:17:49 用mudfish 用用下斷左
入到server 簡人物斷
出0PELPWP12FNT error
重開過機都係咁 check埋steam file都係
OliverSkipp 2022-6-29 22:20:07 買vpn
帶來光明的使者 2022-6-30 02:08:15 終於入到 原來買完game仲要第2個位再訂閱先用到
帶來光明的使者 2022-6-30 03:19:24 原來自己set錯野 唔怪得一直都唔得之前 哂左幾蚊
一起長大的杰倫 2022-6-30 07:43:58
嬲撚 2022-6-30 07:49:10 此回覆已被刪除
一起長大的杰倫 2022-6-30 07:52:10 https://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=19017&snA=2568
參考下呢篇嘢 我都係睇佢嚟set
Gao唔掂 2022-6-30 08:05:15 終於有得揀傷害字體大少...2k mon啲傷勁細隻字


海龍皇彼得 2022-6-30 11:48:28

30/6 更新 Vykas
海龍皇彼得 2022-6-30 13:50:48 炒bright wild flower準備發達
佩露夏 2022-6-30 13:57:57 創帳3日先比交易
海龍皇彼得 2022-6-30 17:23:39 TLDR:

- Weekly reset will take place on Wednesdays starting July 6th!
- Vykas raid
- 1460 Guardian Raid
- Thronespire - Single player dungeon with 50 levels, starts at 1325
- New event island - Heartbeat Island - Daily and hourly quests for festival coins
- 1460 Stronghold research
- Sometimes when entering a new zone, you may be asked to submit a text CAPTCHA response within several minutes.
- New store purchases will now have a 3 day waiting period before they can be traded or transferred out of the buyer’s account
- 2 honing mat bundles in the store
- 2 new skin lines in the store
- Fixed an issue causing the "Crystal Benefactor" title to be considered new each time Lost Ark was launched.
- Cursor bug has speculative fix
成功需父幹 2022-7-1 15:34:41 EU居然係同NAW同PING
帶來光明的使者 2022-7-1 16:31:22 整好左VPN玩到啦 又黎個EAC Connect Error 唔想人玩咪出聲
海龍皇彼得 2022-7-1 17:45:08 呢樣未試過
蘇鳩軾 2022-7-1 17:57:09 世界級活動
帶來光明的使者 2022-7-1 18:08:23 幾個鐘後 終於入得返
海龍皇彼得 2022-7-1 18:23:39 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFd2WsQNt7w&ab_channel=Kelvin


Rchard-Billyham 2022-7-1 19:11:02 mudfish 連EUC幾多 ping?
海龍皇彼得 2022-7-1 20:46:29 pccw連eu germany 170幾ping
我愛迖哥 2022-7-2 01:22:57 見到人地免費沖都加20.. 自己就補兩件20
我愛迖哥 2022-7-2 01:25:00 Hkbn 用mudfish我會一時時2000ping 唔知咩問題