N700S 2022-10-8 16:13:13



N700S 2022-10-8 16:17:14 麵包
哈密瓜味 Haagen Dazs

N700S 2022-10-8 16:19:18 差唔多3年冇坐過 CX econ,睇慣 J 個大 mon 而家連 359 econ 個 mon 都覺得好細
有棍絲打去舉重 2022-10-8 16:28:44 醬: Trust me bro, must close
環遊日本 2022-10-8 23:09:26
高町なのは 2022-10-9 09:30:34
環遊日本 2022-10-9 09:36:48
高町なのは 2022-10-9 09:40:58
富豪大法好 2022-10-9 18:11:41
梳b 2022-10-10 20:43:41
E235 2022-10-10 20:52:45 綠卡即係以前AM會員,當然無


綠帽鹿角 2022-10-11 00:38:58 唔係counter任攞架咩

Gelatoni 2022-10-11 01:05:52
唔係呀,有一期綠卡都比(鋁果隻)唔知依家仲有冇,仲有果時,maintain 個會籍(綠或銀)都唔難;

綠帽鹿角 2022-10-11 01:13:39 而家講到好似話送/賣平機票畀海外旅客
高町なのは 2022-10-11 05:07:24
特別週(末腳) 2022-10-11 14:38:53 無啦,前幾年連會員卡都唔再寄嚟renew
勞動帶來自由 2022-10-11 15:04:56 唔駛驚 佢到時啲t&c實寫明:香港身份證持有人不合資格
浦子 2022-10-11 15:21:28
杏加剷 2022-10-11 21:07:53 其實係咪一定要hit到個requirement先升銀?
有棍絲打去舉重 2022-10-11 21:09:03 10 day countdown
勞動帶來自由 2022-10-11 22:40:38 https://www.hongkongairlines.com/ta/ta?lanid=105&cid=f74a1402-700e-4c2b-9fc0-9bc34dde1d43&from=single&selectSingle=Press%20Release

Intention to propose Hong Kong Scheme and UK Restructuring Plan

Last updated : 2022-09-27 HKT (GMT+8)

For the purposes of implementing the proposed restructuring of its debts and liabilities, Hong Kong Airlines Limited (the “Company”) is proposing to apply to the High Court of Hong Kong (the “Hong Kong Court”) and the High Court of Justice of England and Wales (the “UK Court”), seeking orders to convene meetings of certain of its creditors in order to consider and, if thought fit, approve a scheme of arrangement pursuant to Sections 670, 673 and 674 of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622) of Hong Kong (the “Proposed Hong Kong Scheme”) and a restructuring plan under Part 26A of the Companies Act 2006 (UK) (the “Proposed UK Plan”), respectively.

The hearing by the Hong Kong Court of the Company’s application in respect of the Proposed Hong Kong Scheme is currently scheduled to take place on

13 October 2022


The hearing by the UK Court of the Company’s application in respect of the Proposed UK Plan (the “UK Convening Hearing”) is currently scheduled to take place on 25 October 2022.

Please note that persons who are beneficial owners of and/or owners of the ultimate economic interest in the US$683,000,000 7.125 Per Cent. Senior Perpetual Securities issued by Blue Skyview Company Limited will be creditors subject to the Proposed UK Plan, but not scheme creditors who are subject to the Proposed Hong Kong Scheme.

In connection with the Proposed UK Plan, the Company published a practice statement letter (the “Practice Statement Letter”) on 27 September 2022, which informs creditors of, amongst other things, its intention to formally propose the Proposed UK Plan and that the UK Convening Hearing is scheduled to take place on 25 October 2022.

A copy of the Practice Statement Letter has been sent by email, and via the clearing systems, to all known scheme / plan creditors.

For a copy of the Practice Statement Letter and more information on the Proposed Hong Kong Scheme and the Proposed UK Plan, please visit the website at: https://projects.morrowsodali.com/honair.


有棍絲打去舉重 2022-10-11 22:41:26 開庭宣布破產
LuluTung 2022-10-11 23:31:28 過到黎關我諗執既機會仲難左
冬秋夏春 2022-10-12 01:19:46
富豪大法好 2022-10-12 19:02:21 同埋就算UK判左要清盤