[off-season retool] LA Lakers | Mamba Forever 討論區(357)
關羽雲長 2022-6-28 07:53:17 此回覆已被刪除


DH39 2022-6-28 08:07:00 Without the ability to find a sign-and-trade deal, Kyrie Irving plans to exercise his $36M player option for next season and return to the Nets, sources confirm.

Irving has until Wednesday at 5 PM to file the paperwork on his opt-in. The Nets can still move Irving as an expiring contract, but the opt-in means he's no longer eligible to get the immediate long-term deal he wanted as part of a sign-and-trade.

Brooklyn Nets star Kyrie Irving is opting into his $37 million player option for the 2022-23 season, @TheAthletic @Stadium has learned. Irving is bypassing on multiple opt-in and trade scenarios to fulfill his four-year commitment to the Nets and Kevin Durant.

勁b(Nola) 2022-6-28 08:41:56 榮狗你聽住 呢個結果係你選擇的 將來的後果就由你自己去承擔,
我依家突然好想占大哥嗰種專制暴扣突然降臨你身試,睇住你大呼小叫 然後我地占迷會瘋狂恥笑 落井下石咁指住你黎笑
莫蘭特 2022-6-28 08:44:16 等龜完約再黎啦
Sasha_Vujačić 2022-6-28 08:45:29 option in 都唔代表trade 唔到架 又唔係續約
直接s&t, 猢同大飛都做唔到,會hard cap
mle根本無可能啦 要人拎少30m
Nick_Young❤️ 2022-6-28 08:53:32 此回覆已被刪除
小貓晴 2022-6-28 08:56:43 KI 撚狗咁撚 你當我地猢係咩
梁祖堯死全家 2022-6-28 08:57:22 我唔會信太多美媒/rumor既野,睇到d蛛絲馬跡仲好玩
梁祖堯死全家 2022-6-28 08:59:02 撚狗? 佢而家走頭無路咋

岑麗香 2022-6-28 08:59:18 有冇得kd 換ad?
岑麗香 2022-6-28 09:00:32 邊有人想要wb0


短髮柳真 2022-6-28 09:11:54 唔好咁大想頭了 佢optin 係 commit to the Nets 唔係opt in for a trade, 除非網自己郁佢 但如果kaiV唔跳草裙舞 諗唔到有乜原因蔡崇信會trade走佢 睇西書carry 罷啦
DH39 2022-6-28 09:31:46 Five-time NBA All-Star John Wall will secure a buyout with the Houston Rockets and become an unrestricted free agent, league sources tell @YahooSports.

DH39 2022-6-28 09:34:18 The Clippers, as covered earlier today in my latest around-the-league notes, are expected to mount a strong bid to sign John Wall in free agency once the league opens for business Thursday night at 6 PM ET.

短髮柳真 2022-6-28 09:48:26 https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1541598618099933184?s=21&t=-BVfNFLXigt7LeXeMpZaCw

Wall Pg Kawhi > Wb Bron AD
DH39 2022-6-28 09:49:52 John Wall is planning to sign with the Los Angeles Clippers once he clears waivers, sources tell ESPN.

Other teams are calling to pursue Wall in free agency, but his intention is to join the Clippers, sources tell ESPN.

進擊的甜瓜 2022-6-28 09:50:44 講左榮叔唔會嚟
永遠懷念高比 2022-6-28 09:53:44 此回覆已被刪除
Nick_Young❤️ 2022-6-28 09:54:14 此回覆已被刪除
進擊的甜瓜 2022-6-28 09:56:20 最後都係柒頭三懼聚首一堂打playin
敏敏食木耳 2022-6-28 09:56:29 湖最後都係咩都冇

簽wb 留tht個下真係災難既開始


短髮柳真 2022-6-28 10:00:43 巫師 嗰兩個叫 KCP 同咩 Kuzma嘅好似唔錯 唔知 wb0 可唔可以trade 到兩個番黎
短髮柳真 2022-6-28 10:04:14 有無諗過係簽占 然後trade走哂啲picks + yc for AD ?
木村里中睛 2022-6-28 10:06:29 梗係
敏敏食木耳 2022-6-28 10:06:36 簽占 ad 有一冠wor

係都係佢棄晒堆kuzma ac kcp dg 留tht 要wb
明明個陣仲好靚 係衰傷病