[off-season retool] LA Lakers | Mamba Forever 討論區(357)
Yoyo葛 2022-6-24 13:17:11 此回覆已被刪除


蘇斯黑柴迷糖日 2022-6-24 13:19:27

Nick_Young❤️ 2022-6-24 13:19:54 此回覆已被刪除
佳得樂 2022-6-24 13:20:48 湖人球迷,開唔開心,興唔興奮?


可能見勇士以星二代作主幹的組隊方針行得通,湖人本來冇選秀權下,以一個未來次輪籤加現金,從魔術換來第35籤,選上Max Christie之後,再邀請奧尼爾的兒子Shareef O’Neal為球隊出戰夏季聯賽。同樣來自LSU,身高6呎10吋,不過整體表現不佳,加上心臟曾經有事,所以不太被看好。在選秀前的訪問中,Shareef透露,Shaq希望佢留在大學,但佢自己就認為時機已到,所以決定參加選秀,兩人仲嘈咗一輪。


"We kind of bump heads about this process," O'Neal, 22, said on a video news conference. "He wanted me to stay in school. I wanted to better myself through this. He knows I'm working out with teams. But I'm not going to lie, we ain't talked about this. I'm kind of just going through it. He didn't do any pre-draft workouts; he just got straight on the [Orlando Magic], so it's a different grind.

好彩之前在G league elite camp表現出色,勇奪雙雙,而在湖人試訓時相信亦令人滿意,終於有機會同老竇一樣,加入呢支洛杉磯大球會。

不過能否留到開季,真係要睇佢的造化了;與此同時,湖人亦與Scotty Pippen Jr.、即係柏賓個仔簽下雙向合約。今次有奧尼爾加柏賓,仲唔識飛?

Shareef O’Neal
Height (w/ shoes): 6'10.5"
Weight: 207.6 lbs.
Body fat: 5.7 percent
Hand dimensions length, width: 9.0 inches, 10.25 inches
Standing reach: 8'10
Wingspan: 7'1.25"
佳得樂 2022-6-24 13:20:58 好能肉酸
蘇斯黑柴迷糖日 2022-6-24 13:23:41 改到
蘇斯黑柴迷糖日 2022-6-24 13:24:17 抱歉,之前消息有誤,Shareef未能獲次輪選上,但會為湖人打夏季聯賽,已更新
岑麗香 2022-6-24 13:27:38 呢件得唔得?
岑麗香 2022-6-24 13:32:03 係囉,到時啲wide open , catch n shoot 會nerf 到點
Nick_Young❤️ 2022-6-24 13:32:42 此回覆已被刪除
DH39 2022-6-24 13:34:28 點解唔似得6-6


莫蘭特 2022-6-24 13:39:09 啲無球跑動幾得喎
天下炒狗一樣黑 2022-6-24 13:39:48 6-6又好 6-8都好
請以理服人 2022-6-24 13:41:08 所以就話佢似danny green
DH39 2022-6-24 13:47:09 以湖人慣例養兩三年就會被trade走
DH39 2022-6-24 13:47:42 “Rob Pelinka says he and Davin Ham have had multiple meetings with Russell Westbrook and have been honest about Russ' role on the team and that he needs to be a defense-first player.”

(via @jovanbuha)

蘇斯黑柴迷糖日 2022-6-24 13:49:41 養到klay咁就好
天下炒狗一樣黑 2022-6-24 13:52:40 Bye bye
白澪 2022-6-24 13:55:02 仲要扯埋勇士黎講,真係好肉酸

當年勇 pick Curry同Klay 唔通會因為佢地係啲role player既所謂"星二代",就會專登晒兩個lottery pick 黎組星二代隊咩
DH39 2022-6-24 14:21:35 Rob Pelinka says the Lakers haven't made a decision on their team options for Austin Reaves, Stanley Johnson and Wenyen Gabriel. Pelinka said all three have been working out at the Lakers' facility and he's seen growth and progress from all three under Darvin Ham already.
球哥@@ 2022-6-24 14:32:28 此回覆已被刪除


木村里中睛 2022-6-24 14:32:40 仙道狗
Dybala 2022-6-24 16:19:04 THT 同LBJ躝未
緊急通風自動程式 2022-6-24 17:52:19 Wb opt in咗未?
波縮. 2022-6-24 17:59:49 佢等緊出面班友坐定晒先opt in