[off-season retool] LA Lakers | Mamba Forever 討論區(357)
岑麗香 2022-6-22 22:38:57 Breaking all team decline the trade of westbook


百母會 2022-6-22 23:13:04 BREAKING
木村里中睛 2022-6-22 23:34:05 Call of duty?
短髮柳真 2022-6-22 23:37:45 yea warzone 00:00 upate 條友準備grind 幾日 下星期應該見到佢
古早味賓周 2022-6-23 01:21:42 Lakers are interested in signing Nicolas Batum. Nicolas Batum expected to receive interest from Lakers, Jazz, Suns, Celtics and Bulls in free-agency, but anticipation is he’s leaning toward re-signing on a new two-year deal. H/T @chrisbhaynesnba
「。」 2022-6-23 02:42:00 屌咪撚又簽呢啲冇用老野 同ariza個啲一擔擔
Yoyo葛 2022-6-23 03:16:26 此回覆已被刪除
短髮柳真 2022-6-23 03:58:49 https://twitter.com/thehoopcentral/status/1539698142777470977?s=21&t=TYliYKxEf-DoC4IOoN1hRA

啲撚樣真係好鍾意拎湖做籌碼去嗌價去逼宮 啞狗PG KaiV
木村里中睛 2022-6-23 05:54:07 最慘湖又會用一個轉會時間去追 hold 起晒其他對象
短髮柳真 2022-6-23 06:14:35 Grant 用一個25’首輪就去咗拓荒者 我地季中用過THT+27’ 1st round 問價比人reject 比人笑
莫蘭特 2022-6-23 08:58:07 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfHrTsHvTsh/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=




球哥@@ 2022-6-23 09:01:38 此回覆已被刪除
真新鎮小智 2022-6-23 09:18:50 如果有得換都偷笑啦,唔好以為豬扒當上菜
百母會 2022-6-23 09:39:25 標COME LA啦
漫無目標 2022-6-23 09:50:02 點會冇可能,KaiV同網反晒面
進擊的甜瓜 2022-6-23 10:02:48 好明顯佢周圍放料用湖人過橋搏guaranteed max contract
進擊的甜瓜 2022-6-23 10:06:01 grant用2個首輪換到
進擊的甜瓜 2022-6-23 10:06:38 *1
DH39 2022-6-23 10:09:10 Houston Rockets’ John Wall’s agent, Klutch Sports CEO Rich Paul, has informed the organization that the guard exercised his $47.4 million player option for the 2022-23 season, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium.

Both sides are expected to work through a resolution on Wall’s tenure in the near future.
進擊的甜瓜 2022-6-23 10:11:10 下季拓應該幾有睇頭

DH39 2022-6-23 10:12:24 To no surprise, the #Lakers are expected to pick up Stanley Johnson's team option for the 2022-23 season.


球哥@@ 2022-6-23 10:15:13 此回覆已被刪除
進擊的甜瓜 2022-6-23 10:16:55 諗起聽日draft night d trade
漫無目標 2022-6-23 10:35:51 冇話一定同湖trade,係Kavi好大機會走,可以試
莫蘭特 2022-6-23 10:45:47 主要係即時清到cap