[off-season retool] LA Lakers | Mamba Forever 討論區(357)
DH39 2022-6-18 08:11:12 Lakers News: Darvin Ham Says Russell Westbrook Accepted Challenge To Play Defense

“…One thing we always preached and will continue to preach to be our foundation of our teams is a defensive mindset, being able to defend at a high level. And I challenged him, and he accepted the challenge. That’s a part of the word ‘sacrifice’ we use, and being able to move him around at different spaces on the floor as we go back on the offensive end…being able to diversify his plan of attack where he’s not just rushing the ball up the court and facing three defender every time…”


敏敏食木耳 2022-6-18 08:14:39 雙星配勁綠葉係最好.. 解決到傷病就得其實
三巨仲要搵wb 搞死自己 真係on9
進擊的甜瓜 2022-6-18 08:56:59 真湖鼻屎魔或成今季最大輸家
Klay(Game6) 2022-6-18 10:08:39 條撚樣減薪去湖諗住奪冠,俾大小龜冼左鑊金
莫蘭特 2022-6-18 10:38:31 呢個湧狗gp黎
百母會 2022-6-18 10:43:59 真就正
蘇斯黑柴迷糖日 2022-6-18 11:26:12 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce7eYc3vLGk/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

關羽雲長 2022-6-18 11:30:27 此回覆已被刪除
關羽雲長 2022-6-18 11:31:17 此回覆已被刪除
Nick_Young❤️ 2022-6-18 12:02:01 此回覆已被刪除
進擊的甜瓜 2022-6-18 12:09:54 你死gay佬又J人身型


DH39 2022-6-18 12:34:34 會員練拳練成點
Blackmamba. 2022-6-18 13:40:33 唔想睇Love又要比人屌垃圾
敏敏食木耳 2022-6-18 19:02:29 其實love 係騎雙核時打得好好
係3巨個時真係要養球權 冇計
百母會 2022-6-18 19:04:25 LOVE依家係咪好似有3冇D
敏敏食木耳 2022-6-18 19:06:08 不嬲d都唔好啦
進擊的甜瓜 2022-6-18 19:15:59 傳緊占士唔肯簽contract extension

湖人唔敢 make roster move
Blackmamba. 2022-6-18 20:17:16 正常嘅又冇成績pick又送得七七八八 之前都試過三次啦
Dybala 2022-6-18 20:37:40 寸草不生
木村里中睛 2022-6-18 20:54:58 送走佢換牙羅
Yoyo葛 2022-6-18 21:35:19 此回覆已被刪除


真新鎮小智 2022-6-18 21:37:54 正常啦,我當今年放棄㗎啦,等下年火腿哥認真去執仲好
DH39 2022-6-18 21:39:20

勁B((k)ingram) 2022-6-18 21:52:23 Ching 你仲未棄羅
勁B((k)ingram) 2022-6-18 21:52:56 愈睇愈樣衰
相反bi 愈大愈有型