「Professor,I'm Mike Slattery,CO of the Nathan James. It's a pleasure to meet you.」我見到呢個鬼佬着住一套藍色迷彩制服...
佢係米國海軍嘅人!CO... 係同Professor一樣職級嘅人!
「Mike, I hope everything is doing fine on the James. The situation on our side has complicated significantly,we need to deliver the samples to your nation as soon as possible.」Professor嘅英文都好流利...
「We are now performing a Freedom of Navigation Operation at a classified location,somewhere close to you. Relatively.」有米國嘅戰艦喺附近...
「I need you and your brave men and women on the James to secure a friendly airfield nearby, ASAP. We have a Lockheed Martin F-35 armed and ready to takeoff and deliver the samples by tonight.」
「So... you are asking me to... break protocols and secure an airfield for this?」
「Well, yes. But this is for the sake of the world's balance. What do you think will happen if the people on my side got the samples instead?」
「It would be pretty nasty.」個船長皺眉頭咁講...
「Let me know about your arrangements. I'll get my pilots ready.」Professor講完之後就收線...