Defamatory Meaning: Consideration of the Publication as a Whole
In determining whether any of the statements in the op-ed are false and defamatory as to Mr. Depp, you must read the statements in the context of the op-ed as a whole. This means you may not seize on any one word, phrase, or image, or consider only one particular statement, phrase, or passage in isolation.
In determining whether any of Mr. Waldman's statements are false and defamatory. you must read those statements in context as a whole. This means you may not seize on any one word, phrase, or image, or consider only one particular statement, phrase, or passage in isolation.
FC'ed, 補link :^( :^(
咁No.FF應該單純講緊睇每一條statement Jury應考慮前文後理,但第一項statement=Title :^( :^(
呢項法官澄清真係好重要下 :^( :^( :^(我仲諗緊邊有可能3項中晒 如果係咁大家都唔洗等結果 輸硬 :^( :^(