騎野豬的生菜公主 2022-5-25 22:47:32 資安研究人員Zach Edwards發現,Android與iOS版的DuckDuckGo瀏覽器封鎖來自Google及臉書的追蹤器,但沒有封鎖微軟的追蹤器,對此DuckDuckGo創辦人暨執行長回應因為微軟是其廣告合作夥伴





DuckDuckGo並未於官網上解釋該事件,但DuckDuckGo創辦人暨執行長Gabriel Weinberg在Edwards的推文中留言,說明當使用者載入搜尋結果時,是完全匿名的,但與微軟在廣告上合作,亦於官網公開揭露此一訊息。

根據DuckDuckGo官網上的說明,DuckDuckGo與微軟的合作是在保障使用者的隱私下提供關聯性廣告,當使用者點擊由微軟提供的廣告時,將會透過Microsoft Advertising平臺將使用者導至廣告主網站,這使得Microsoft Advertising平臺得以存取使用者的完整IP位址與使用者代理字串,用以計算廣告效果並向廣告主收費。






我老豆就係陳局長 2022-5-25 23:00:00 佢個biz model 點玩落去。睇唔到佢有咩方法最終不會收廣告費
ニジュー 2022-5-25 23:02:15 誰出得起錢就透露給誰!
LIHKGMr.A 2022-5-26 07:35:33 結果都係咁
MKMP213世一好J 2022-5-26 07:36:19 錢真係大撚把
MAGA 2022-5-26 07:39:22 即係唔撳廣告就唔係問題?
11111111D 2022-5-26 08:07:59 屌,原來係垃圾

贏到開巷口炸雞 2022-5-26 08:21:44 不嬲對呢d做得大嘅公司都態度保守
反而add on 仲好控制
好似Firefox 加ad block 再加no script
No script 可以比你一個一個cookie 咁white list
python3 2022-5-26 09:51:57 嘩屌咁撚仆街,屌google但又含m$
python3 2022-5-26 09:53:16 煩撚到仆街.試過一排,依家off晒啲noscript算,直接裝ublock origin好過
高質李依 2022-5-26 10:01:36 又話最安全


名師出鳩童 2022-5-26 18:50:31 佢地保證你唔賣比google facebook 姐
懶人 2022-5-26 18:59:31 Startpage呢
power_off 2022-5-26 21:06:13 用 startpage
power_off 2022-5-26 21:09:05 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Startpage.com

Startpage is a Dutch search engine company that highlights privacy as its distinguishing feature.[1][2][3] The website advertises that it allows users to obtain Google Search results while protecting users' privacy by not storing personal information or search data and removing all trackers. Startpage.com also includes an Anonymous View browsing feature that allows users the option to open search results via proxy for increased anonymity.[4] Because the company is based in the Netherlands, it is protected by Dutch and European Union privacy laws, and thus is not subject to United States surveillance programs, like PRISM.

Startpage.com began as a sister company of Ixquick, a metasearch engine founded in 1998. The two websites were merged in 2016. In October 2019, Startpage received a significant investment from Privacy One Group,[5] a subsidiary of System1.

Startpage uses results from Google, for which it pays.[36] As of July 2020, Startpage allows searches in 82 languages,[37] including Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.[38]
欲邀重生 2022-5-26 21:15:20 DuckDuckGo本身搜尋結果好垃圾
天滅土共 2022-5-26 21:56:47 noscript真係咁煩咩
power_off 2022-5-26 22:17:06 是,我都係過來人
天滅土共 2022-5-26 22:20:06 用咗好多年 我又唔介意逐個逐個allow喎
豬腳蛋薑醋 2022-5-26 22:26:48 最煩都係block錯Payment

python3 2022-5-26 23:34:42 咁煩實效果好架,煩死姐.
係要搵方便同私隱既平衡.ublock origin


豬腳蛋薑醋 2022-5-26 23:45:10 有d redirect link block左好哂時間解開
天滅土共 2022-5-27 11:22:13 通常都係上某類型網站先要咁多野整
黑暗兵法 2022-5-27 11:23:51 仲有乜search engine 用
名師出鳩童 2022-5-27 11:24:58 DuckDuckGo 2.0 Let's go