[恭喜利物浦再次差一分捧杯] 車路士球迷煞科討論區
碎牛粥 2022-6-28 08:51:45 有邊個走得肉酸過佢


KNO3(反丹麥狗) 2022-6-28 23:52:06 閂左起碼半年
柔道龍虎榜 2022-6-29 01:34:18 talk to me, rom
李知恩男朋友 2022-6-29 02:24:40 Chelsea and Leeds have reached full agreement for Raphinha! Official bid accepted around £60/65m [add ons included]. Main part of amount to be paid immediately. It’s done between clubs. 🚨🔵 #CFC

Talks now ongoing on player side on personal terms and contract. Boehly, on it.

More on Raphinha. Arsenal had a meeting with Leeds and made a new verbal bid in the last hours, turned down by LUFC. Barcelona also called Leeds again but no chance to match Chelsea bid. 🚨🔵 #Raphinha

Chelsea are now working to get the agreement done also on personal terms.
Kai子Havertz29 2022-6-29 02:28:53
悟入琪途 2022-6-29 02:52:23
讀書不成 2022-6-29 02:57:31 又係一單唔係瘋傳
JoseMourinho 2022-6-29 02:58:41 https://twitter.com/cfcpys/status/1541856665263394816?s=21
MasonMount(世一) 2022-6-29 02:59:08
奧古斯丁 2022-6-29 03:01:58 呢口價屌得過
奧古斯丁 2022-6-29 03:02:11 出高過市價咁多


天才小屌手 2022-6-29 08:04:13 真係買夏芬拿,咁黑丹係咪已經收咗皮?
尚書大人真機靈 2022-6-29 14:57:14
伊生夏殺 2022-6-29 14:58:09 有冇人識發音 Matthijis
KNO3(反丹麥狗) 2022-6-29 14:59:25 Rllm好似黎打wb 仲有機會既
Shev! 2022-6-29 14:59:48 你又話開po
Djilobodji 2022-6-29 15:01:23 環保呀用埋佢
伊生夏殺 2022-6-29 15:01:40 用呢個。
KNO3(反丹麥狗) 2022-6-29 15:02:06 用埋呢0.3個先黎
KNO3(反丹麥狗) 2022-6-29 15:02:18
尚書大人真機靈 2022-6-29 15:03:10 要人打wb應該agree 唔到personal terms


MasonMount(世一) 2022-6-29 15:04:45 我讀Matthijis
伊生夏殺 2022-6-29 15:05:34 你荷蘭豆?
Shev! 2022-6-29 15:05:37 Mark Schwarzer: "Raheem Sterling is a top signing. A top class player, world class player. For #Chelsea he would be a fantastic signing. He’s played incredibly well for Manchester City over the last couple of seasons.”
尚書大人真機靈 2022-6-29 15:06:46 Played incredibly well for Manchester City
