[Welcome Wyss爺爺!!!!!] 車路士球迷煞科討論區
80m當係碎銀kepa! 2022-5-23 01:46:58 拍心口 左下


柔道龍虎榜 2022-5-23 01:47:21 Tuchel on changing his formation next season: "I don't see it as a problem of structure. It suits our players like Ben Chilwell, Thiago Silva and Reece James."

Adding, he doesn't need to change it but might be forced to depending on how his squad looks. #CFC #CHEWAT

Djilobodji 2022-5-23 01:47:33 Rice 唔係講咗會留低咩

柔道龍虎榜 2022-5-23 01:47:40 On playing with a new #CFC formation next season, Tuchel says ‘no plans to change it’ but will answer further on this later in the season.
80m當係碎銀kepa! 2022-5-23 01:47:41 無安 dislike
最強翼衛摸西先 2022-5-23 01:48:10 其實今季有個世冠盃
Yannick_卡拉OK 2022-5-23 01:48:11 永續三後!
柔道龍虎榜 2022-5-23 01:48:19 Tuchel on Mike Dean: "I told him I was honoured to be part of his last match." #CFC #CHEWAT
醉愛所炫 2022-5-23 01:48:28 相你老母
明明如月何時何掇 2022-5-23 01:48:35 右下角伊狗
がうるぐら 2022-5-23 01:48:39 🚬


80m當係碎銀kepa! 2022-5-23 01:48:40 有錢真係大哂
Djilobodji 2022-5-23 01:48:43 雙冠王

伊登夏殺(sadboy 2022-5-23 01:48:46 杜曹兩個女冇跟佢老婆走
盧卡古一一 2022-5-23 01:48:49 資格論真係好on9

JuanMata 2022-5-23 01:48:51 睇返成季咁多波折 杜曹好多關鍵位都企出嚟頂

希望你可以繼續留耐啲build up你想要嘅波
柔道龍虎榜 2022-5-23 01:49:07 Tuchel on moving from Abramovich to Boehly: "The new situation is here in theory, it is so close but it isn't here yet either. I hope it will feel more like a new era when the new season starts." #CFC #CHEWAT
肥大啟暴龍 2022-5-23 01:49:22 ig
結衣叔食 2022-5-23 01:49:24 咁起碼要簽三個中堅
壞天氣 2022-5-23 01:49:38 🏆
Leon 2022-5-23 01:50:10 俾杜曹放個靚假返嚟重新出發


最強翼衛摸西先 2022-5-23 01:50:10 仲有冠係咩
柔道龍虎榜 2022-5-23 01:50:21 Tuchel: "Actually, it's not the plan to change the structure but maybe we are forced to.

"It's no problem to adapt and find solutions. But the problem is we are forced to be passive and it's what we don't like." #CFC

鈴木誠也 2022-5-23 01:50:36 第一次有齊腳preseason
80m當係碎銀kepa! 2022-5-23 01:51:00 轉台睇豬蛇捧杯