列斯聯 2021/22 護級區 - 準備直衝英冠
本公公 2022-6-1 10:16:31 睇港隊


本公公 2022-6-1 10:17:37 好難差得過廢普
痢祉俊 2022-6-1 10:19:33 港隊隊長派膠
干蒸燒賣 2022-6-1 11:20:59

馬蛇同orta 親身去,應該大機會喎
你唔好煩啦 2022-6-1 11:31:22 又買翼,夏確定會走?
干蒸燒賣 2022-6-1 12:01:35 諗定plan b都好嘅,而且實好過沾屎
賓科士打賓州是假 2022-6-1 12:02:08 2手準備都好
買多d 唔使出羅球皇
賓科士打賓州是假 2022-6-1 12:42:41 Barcelona originally thought they could get Raphinha for £34 million this summer, which is the absolute maximum they are willing to pay.

Leeds want nearly DOUBLE that and they are standing very firm on this.

Raphinha to Barcelona is falling apart.
干蒸燒賣 2022-6-1 12:51:38 做得好,要錢唔要骨
賓科士打賓州是假 2022-6-1 13:09:14 Leeds United is reportedly set to rival Leicester City and Everton for Manchester United youngster James Garner. James Garner recently completed his loan stint with Nottingham Forest. The loan move, which was a success, saw Nottingham Forest gain promotion to the Premier League after a Play-off final victory.

James Garner enjoyed his time under Steve Cooper, which has attracted interest. Although the staff and fans at Old Trafford are hoping the young midfielder will have his chance to impress under Erik Ten Hag.
痢祉俊 2022-6-1 13:18:28 英冠閘一律推介森林Spence


倉鼠(滅族) 2022-6-1 20:21:33 https://twitter.com/OneLeedsFC/status/1531944787603070978?t=tPz4V0NSF44XFrdMSV195Q&s=19
本公公 2022-6-1 21:17:31 真列
石鍋拌飯 2022-6-1 22:12:16 要買佢下季波衫
你唔好煩啦 2022-6-1 22:57:01 真男人
賓科士打賓州是假 2022-6-1 23:25:49 冇左
本公公 2022-6-1 23:32:15 講Philips想留隊姐
賓科士打賓州是假 2022-6-2 00:23:20 快d 再簽人 俾d 希望kp 同夏芬拿
T.Soucek 2022-6-2 01:58:11 班疤話R10廢過676
本公公 2022-6-2 02:13:04 提下大家,第三作客又返左貨
本公公 2022-6-2 02:17:02 咁佢地去追676啦,放過我地



真名開帳戶 2022-6-2 03:23:07 我已經分唔清Hanley定Cooper廢啲
T.Soucek 2022-6-2 04:03:51 俾椰莫蘭高硬爆
傅家俊粉絲團 2022-6-2 07:05:29 最好打包送走埋蘿蔔絲
干蒸燒賣 2022-6-2 09:39:37 https://twitter.com/ESPNFC/status/1532149531810439172?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1532149531810439172%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.caughtoffside.com%2F2022%2F06%2F02%2Fleeds-new-signing-scores-for-usa-against-morocco%2F
