[CityU] 又一城大討論區 (33) 迎接暑sem add drop 大戰
飲水教父 2022-6-26 12:31:34


IZ-ONE 2022-6-26 19:52:21 咁快㗎咩

品煙師 2022-6-27 18:13:46
多麼的想敬重李白 2022-6-28 19:13:11 想問下差3 cred畢業係咪reg科嘅時候申請reduce study workload 就可以學費減半
另外arro 講6cred或以下都一樣學費 咁我可唔可以reg 多一科讀
熊豆沙🐻 2022-6-28 20:19:08 係 可
多麼的想敬重李白 2022-6-28 21:34:50
thx ching
品煙師 2022-6-28 22:38:09 Teaching and Learning Arrangements for Semester A 2022/23

The University will adopt the following teaching and learning arrangements for Semester A 2022/23:

Undergraduate courses will be delivered in face-to-face mode on campus. Class sessions with more than 120 students may be delivered in a pure online mode pending course leader arrangements.

Postgraduate courses will be delivered primarily in face-to-face mode on campus. Academic units have the flexibility to adjust the teaching arrangements for their courses based on pedagogical and other practical considerations.

If needed, face-to-face lecture sessions should be recorded and made available on Canvas.

Students who are currently not in Hong Kong are advised to make appropriate arrangements to return to Hong Kong before the start of the new academic year.

We look forward to welcoming all students back on campus in the new academic year. Everyone coming to the campus is reminded of the need to adhere to Government and University safety and health protocols.

Christian Wagner
品煙師 2022-6-28 22:38:41 more than 120 先有機會online
其餘face to face
燉炳強武漢茶 2022-6-28 22:39:49 講真除左啲大dept冚世界都要讀嘅foundation course
同埋啲熱門ge / college specified 之外
品煙師 2022-6-28 22:46:27

如果啲dept prof 想face to face
可能開多班改做capacity 119 仲得
無知的on9仔 2022-6-28 23:08:02 交四萬幾一年仲掛住online lesson係咩玩法


品煙師 2022-6-28 23:51:59 小弟毒撚最鐘意online lesson
最鍾意hea 2022-6-29 02:15:48
倉頡速成易上手 2022-6-29 05:49:58 想reduce study workload 嘅話grantloan要點搞
今日割五城 2022-6-30 18:17:06 想問下返intern要填份學生身份確認書 填完之後點樣交比學校吸印同簽名
髮落士 2022-6-30 23:17:41 返去你department 個general office
山下智久爵 2022-6-30 23:52:44 此回覆已被刪除
品煙師 2022-7-1 00:15:39 hall 6

忍者硅 2022-7-1 16:31:19
湖水的達人 2022-7-2 12:06:57
邊撚個小麻 2022-7-2 16:54:55 不如直接講你想問咩


倉頡速成易上手 2022-7-2 17:13:26 想reg ais 但係佢好多科都未出offering term 好驚reg完冇科讀
邊撚個小麻 2022-7-2 17:18:32 你year幾
你指係驚讀唔夠cre?正常應該讀得曬 我year 3 sem 2先reg都唔洗defer((但有fd要defer, 所以要計好數
泥彩迅陶 2022-7-2 17:58:47 其實worst scenario就係drop左個minor佢姐
倉頡速成易上手 2022-7-2 19:31:04 Final year 佢total 15 cre
我諗住兩個sem讀晒佢 但係我早個禮拜睇佢仲有好多course未出offering term
問department 又話建議reg咗minor先reg course
咁我唔知佢幾時開course點決定reg唔reg minor