[FDJ會嚟垃圾曼嘅機會係零] 曼聯終極FF轉會窗暨坦克重新出發吹水區 [1750]
善良的狗公 2022-5-14 01:25:07 同全盛MBE差唔多
寧願Nunez 或者Nkunku


Kai_Rooney 2022-5-14 01:26:21 Psg 出Offer啦
死獌狗 2022-5-14 01:26:41 成日覺得個陣佢地呢單deal洗緊黑錢
Kai_Rooney 2022-5-14 01:27:48 Oshimen季初幾勁
S_Kagawa(迷15妹) 2022-5-14 01:28:38 Neil Ryan, Manchester United Under-23s assistant coach, will leave his role at the end of the season to take up a new position as National Coach with the English Football Association youth set-up.
Fifa14 2022-5-14 01:28:58 其實TH 要個大隻夠高 Hold到波 護波好嘅中鋒

最尾平平地簽個唔出名前鋒 + 試下All in FDJ + 中堅唔出奇

望佢追唔到FDJ 唔好死追 有Plan B好過
B_Williams_33 2022-5-14 01:32:10 意假前鋒伏味濃 咪搞
屠定老母 2022-5-14 01:35:24 原來麥湯得兩雞野周薪
藏奢飛 2022-5-14 01:38:24 係近年先用高中鋒姐
港大古巨基 2022-5-14 01:39:21 唔好啦
死獌狗 2022-5-14 01:40:41 https://youtu.be/bUZS68qjQQc
唔出名嘅前鋒 聽redcafe提過下 好似有啲潛質


死獌狗 2022-5-14 01:41:43 https://twitter.com/utdreport/status/1524769546887995392?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1524769546887995392%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=
Kai_Rooney 2022-5-14 01:50:30 買4個 Budget 150m
巴夫斯踢法似我 2022-5-14 01:57:51 Chong都兩雞

S_Kagawa(迷15妹) 2022-5-14 02:14:58 Cristiano Ronaldo:

"I know that he [Ten Hag] has done a fantastic job at Ajax, and that he is an experienced coach, but we have to give him time. Things must change the way he wants. If he does well, all of #mufc will be successful, so I wish him well.

We are all happy and excited [about Ten Hag's arrival], not only as players, but as fans as well. We have to believe that next year we can win titles."
重口味名士 2022-5-14 02:29:03 下年win titles
人生如寄 2022-5-14 02:40:19 最佳草皮
林夕 2022-5-14 02:45:37 此回覆已被刪除
M.Depay(反福) 2022-5-14 02:49:50 牙朗瞓醒未
Kai_Rooney 2022-5-14 02:53:46

黃泉特急 2022-5-14 02:56:30 我嚟


Buttner 2022-5-14 03:01:45 Hi all
Buttner 2022-5-14 03:02:44 圖左
R10 2022-5-14 03:09:19 lkk 踢到神級返黎英超都係要死
梳b 2022-5-14 03:09:36 Yes