[本地足球] 2021/22 港超聯 (已腰斬)、亞冠、亞協及香港隊討論區 (58)
最上靜香 2022-5-15 23:53:24 已經證明左冇料到


紀卜心老公 2022-5-15 23:54:16 之後有咩意見真係可以DM安sir
茄子楠 2022-5-15 23:55:15
布甸狗不理 2022-5-15 23:56:31 話說今次選人冇艾力士?
行人止步 2022-5-15 23:57:41 入世界盃不是夢
高地教堂 2022-5-15 23:57:51 踢唔到逼搶?
高地教堂 2022-5-15 23:58:05 起碼勁過中國先 2015年已經可以兩和
E.Lamela 2022-5-15 23:59:59 Hello, Jorn, Congratulations!
Mr. Coach, you did a good job, really good job. You are great and I am sure you will make Hong Kong great again.
I am glad to hear your VICTORIA in the ASIAN CUP QUALIFICATION .
布甸狗不理 2022-5-16 00:00:21 佢亞冠踢得咁fit好似有啲浪費, 如果選入嚟後備 應該都有一定作用
精神出現問題 2022-5-16 00:01:58
白痴喱 2022-5-16 00:05:58 你冇睇上個月佢踢亞冠果陣d 基本意識同傳控?唔係講緊位置上發揮,而係作為職業球員佢意識同控傳真係唔入流。無可否認佢係入到幾球波,但宏觀黎睇,佢幫唔到球隊


行人止步 2022-5-16 00:06:01 如果拎特衰唔洗放棄原本國籍會好好多
高地教堂 2022-5-16 00:06:32 XI: 不能讓港隊贏了
紙包雞包武漢肺炎 2022-5-16 00:11:41 明明係自己退出就講到係AFC逼害
肺明奴(燈神) 2022-5-16 00:14:07 此回覆已被刪除
羊(維拉名宿) 2022-5-16 00:14:42 唔通腦屍真係皇天擊殺你咩
簡淑兒(迷敏) 2022-5-16 00:15:33 前鋒廢撚到喊
簡乜乜同余在言到底係乜水 名都未聽過
油麻地碧基 2022-5-16 00:16:01 唔帶高中鋒嘅球隊真係會有報應㗎
S.Berahino 2022-5-16 00:16:18 呢個決選真係好難樂觀
油麻地碧基 2022-5-16 00:17:11 余在言聽手足話佢之前踢得好好


肺明奴(燈神) 2022-5-16 00:19:52 此回覆已被刪除


油麻地碧基 2022-5-16 00:33:56 Pelle自由身喎

執柒佢啦 2022-5-16 00:36:59 Asked whether attack remained a problem area, the former Norway striker replied: “That’s right. We don’t have so many good strikers in Hong Kong. That’s my headache. I have my ideas and I will try to do the best with the situation.

“I need one who makes goals, is dangerous, good in the air, who can finish. That’s the striker I need, because I will change the playing style a little bit – more attacking. I don’t know if it’s possible, but I will try.

“We have names like Matt Orr, Sun Ming-him, Alex Akande. These are players that I have to test first, then I will make my last choice for India – who can start up front for Hong Kong.”

油麻地碧基 2022-5-16 00:41:49 “I need one who makes goals, is dangerous, good in the air, who can finish




Karim本澤馬 2022-5-16 00:57:04 啱啱德乙煞科,Michael有入後備名單