通色老屍Stalker 2022-5-3 23:24:53 除咗TSLA、Goog,同埋AMZN,仲有咩重磅貴價股分拆?


gallop 2022-5-3 23:29:58 mgk
結城友奈是勇者 2022-5-3 23:31:45 20,21年拆股後 升唔停 (APPLE, TSLA, NVDA)
今年隻隻拆股 都係 散貨場

清零訓練猿 2022-5-4 05:43:13 gme
通色老屍Stalker 2022-5-7 20:09:40 買gme幫自己戶口清零?
通色老屍Stalker 2022-5-20 17:11:14 amzn同shop快啲拆股
姐倫86 2022-5-20 17:15:26 此回覆已被刪除
通色老屍Stalker 2022-5-22 03:20:42 要拆梗係過150鎂先
撚狗大仙 2022-5-22 14:15:55 TSLA 拆咗啦
通色老屍Stalker 2022-5-24 14:54:18 係股價腰斬到一半,市場散戶幫佢分拆。
通色老屍Stalker 2022-6-2 12:05:59 amzn好似6月3日拆股了


野味大紅 2022-6-2 12:17:04 brk.b 咪係brk.a既拆股version,窮撚邊會有投票權
通色老屍Stalker 2022-6-2 12:29:18 咦真係唔知喎要請教美股磚家,正路就睇股價對應股數,但分晒A股B股唔知對應投票權係幾多又唔知有無額外規定例如咩同股不同權阿里媽媽玩法。
野味大紅 2022-6-2 12:42:23 無記錯brk.a 同brk.b既分別,除咗股價之外,就係有無投票權,廢老唔想比啲窮撚投票
通色老屍Stalker 2022-6-2 12:50:33 仆你個街明知故問


通色老屍Stalker 2022-6-3 18:02:24 月底係shop,星期一係amzn拆股。
F1餐 2022-6-3 18:29:41 此回覆已被刪除
都是呃人的 2022-6-3 18:35:29 拆股=叫傻散入黎送錢 跌 !
通色老屍Stalker 2022-6-4 10:55:00 越跌越買
通色老屍Stalker 2022-6-7 15:15:57 amzn拆咗股了,124鎂左右,買一百股都係萬零鎂,好抵。
通色老屍Stalker 2022-6-8 19:45:44 嚟緊月底就到shop分拆,1拆10,即係三十幾蚊仲抵。


通色老屍Stalker 2022-7-1 14:39:20 shop終於拆咗,三十幾鎂一股,好抵。
不是達官貴人 2022-7-1 19:41:13 brkb係brka嘅經濟利益一千五百分之一,投票權就係一萬分之一

Berkshire History and the Introduction of Class B Shares
More than 20 years ago, Berkshire Hathaway was content with its highly valued, single class of stock. But the market was demanding a lower-priced, more common-stock nibble at the Berkshire pie, given that shares were trading for around $30,000 at that time. So in 1996, Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, and the board responded by issuing 517,500 shares of Class B shares, offering the ability to invest in the company for, initially, 1/30th the price (and equity) of a Class A share of stock.3

A 50-to-1 stock split in 2010 sent the ratio to 1/1,500th. In other words, each share of a Class A common stock was convertible at any time to 1,500 shares of Class B common stock.4

Class B shares carried correspondingly lower voting rights as well (of the voting rights of a Class A share 1/200th of the per-share voting rights. later changed to 1/10,000th), and Buffett marketed Class B shares as a long-term investment and as an open-ended offering, so as to prevent volatility as a result of supply concerns.4
通色老屍Stalker 2022-7-4 17:11:08 邊度有得買brk.a碎股?
不是達官貴人 2022-7-4 19:37:22 b就係a嘅碎股,再碎落去就要幫趁ib嘅fractional share(或者類似投資方法)