[歐美H game]推介(6)
赤色之瞳 2022-8-24 21:25:07 together bnb


穗花(下村愛) 2022-8-25 09:30:03
steam 除左FRESH WOMEN 1 有繁中,仲有邊隻有?

超執刀 2022-8-25 18:51:15 https://game.udn.com/game/story/122089/6558596?from=udn-hotnews_ch2003
Fresh Women係咪好正?
赤色之瞳 2022-8-26 02:42:47 mist完結
凪原涼菜 2022-8-26 03:21:41
赤色之瞳 2022-8-26 03:23:44 個個都唔睇post頭
凪原涼菜 2022-8-26 03:27:17 ok轉頭碌下
車厘龜01 2022-8-26 10:19:21 Dr. Amana, Sexual Therapis好冇玩
脩紫零 2022-8-26 10:42:05
車厘龜01 2022-8-26 11:19:28 Ok thx
赤色之瞳 2022-8-26 12:15:23 爛尾on hold 左


新垣結衣(未婚) 2022-8-26 13:10:11 好少玩呢種virtual novel,原因係通常啲model都好樣衰,或者取向太過向鹹驚嗰方面發展人物性格冇用心整令到啲角色冇乜特色。但freshwomen真係比到人想追落去嗰種感覺,一嚟model靚,我撳入去個store page見到julia同chloe就即刻買咗,正撚到

julia好有青春活潑既感覺,私底下冇性經驗但又好奇。呢樣係好多歐美virtual novel睇唔到既優點嚟。

建議係season 1可以長啲同加返啲閪毛比某啲女唔該
Overall 4/5
赤色之瞳 2022-8-26 13:52:37 你可以試下post頭果堆先,新手入門果幾隻已經最頂尖果堆
赤牛丸 2022-8-26 13:58:43 此回覆已被刪除
赤色之瞳 2022-8-26 14:02:19 其中一個女角可以簡係咪扶他同一個男角係咪gay
赤牛丸 2022-8-26 14:06:38 此回覆已被刪除
新垣結衣(未婚) 2022-8-26 20:17:00 冇問題
灰燼執行官 2022-8-26 21:09:19 Lust Academy個設計真係幾user friendly,唔中意玩嗰堆垃圾小遊戲,淨喺想睇劇情+J的可以揀visual novel模式
劇情又無好似某d仆街game玩撚咗幾個鍾都未屌倒條女嗰d垃圾嘢,h scene都俾得鬆手,係幾好。
最撚憎就係某d game懶係open world結果都係一條線的劇情,揾黎揾去都揾唔倒方法推進劇情搞到要睇walkthrough最後玩game玩到變返工咁
香港落雪 2022-8-28 21:59:57 見到being a dik update咗條thread
赤色之瞳 2022-8-28 23:18:50 I want to start this update by thanking everyone for your comments, DMs, and overall support this last week. It means a lot to me, and I can see how many of you care as much as I do about the game, and it is heartwarming. It truly felt like the entire community came together, mourned the changes, and supported the game. Thank you!

I started this week by finishing the main menu's artwork. 20 new art pieces for Season 3 have been added to the main menu, and as promised, I'd like to show you a teaser of it today.

While working on the main menu, I couldn't stop thinking about the title music and the future of the main menu. One thing that has been in the back of my mind for quite some time now is the Music section of the main menu. You know, that button that says Music at the bottom that you probably pressed once and then never used again.

I've never been truly happy with how it looks or functions. Its purpose has more or less been to show and give credit to the CC0 music in the game.

I've wanted to add a proper music player to the main menu for a while, so I spent a day developing one from scratch, and I'd love to show you some of what you can expect from it today.

You no longer have to load a free roam event to listen to the music. You can now access and play the entire music library, barring a few sound files, from the main menu. It is synchronized with your favorite list on the music app of your in-game phone too, and you can manage your favorites from this menu.

To not remove the original functionality of this menu, I've kept a CC0 section with credits and a link to the license.

So, what does the title music have to do with this? Well, from now on, you can set any song of your choice as the startup song for the game. Listen to any song in this music menu and click a button to set the song as the startup/main menu song.

I feel this is the best way to do this since we're at a status quo with the title song, and everyone has a better idea of the replacement title song than the one before them. There will still be a default title song playing from the start, and I won't stop looking for a replacement, but if you wish, you can change it.

While listening to your music, you can also hide the music menu and watch the main menu art without any GUI. I have also added a tips section to the music menu, where you can browse through some of the many useful tips you might have missed.

I hope you will come to like this idea as much as I do.

These changes will come into effect with Season 3, for starters. There are some additional difficulties to deal with if I want this added to Season 1/2, but I haven't ruled out adding this to that main menu.

Aside from this work, I posed Jill's special render set this week. She will get a set consisting of 20 static renders, just like Josy will, for this episode. The theme I've chosen for her set this time is "Surprise gift". I'll show you a preview of this series soon.

I've added code for the special renders in the Rewards app and started placing magazines in the game as unlockables. There is still some work left in this area, but it's just a matter of deciding how to unlock the special renders and testing that it works. Everything else in this area is done, including 2D art, 2D animations, and Pack Quest renders.

Two of my workstations have been rendering that long cutscene-like animation I mentioned a couple of weeks back, and it's about 50% done. I'm very pleased with the rendering speed of this animation; it's been better than I could have hoped. My other PCs have been working on static renders and other animations.

I also continued my work on both writing, posing animations, and static renders this week. I've been feeling very motivated lately, and this only gets reinforced by seeing the to-do list get shorter.

Another week of static render work is coming up. I'll have some updated numbers on the progress for you next week.

Have a nice weekend
Love ya
Dr PinkCake
赤牛丸 2022-8-28 23:38:37 此回覆已被刪除


赤色之瞳 2022-8-29 14:07:05 感覺比較難,如果要搵埋歌再搵批准一定會遲
坂上鷹文 2022-8-31 20:53:20 依啲遊戲係唔係多數都無聲
赤色之瞳 2022-8-31 21:21:13 部份冇聲,部份有bgm,極少部份有配音
一舊好潮既膠 2022-8-31 23:14:11 惡夢島更新