俄羅斯黑海艦隊旗艦「莫斯科號(RTS Moskva 121)」在4月13日遭烏克蘭2枚「海王星」反艦飛彈(Neptune missiles)擊沉。美國海軍根據事後俄羅斯公布的照片研判,莫斯科號當時根本不知道有反艦飛彈來襲,根本沒有做好準備;而關於外界傳言,美軍P-8A「海神式」海上巡邏機可能提供攻擊數據給烏克蘭,美軍則指數據鏈無法相容,美方可以告訴烏軍俄艦所在位置,但精準擊沉莫斯科號部份則與美軍無關。
Ukrainian forces, having spotted the Russian warship in the Black Sea, called their American contacts for confirmation that it was in fact the Moskva, sources familiar with the events told CNN. The US responded that it was, and provided intelligence about its location. It is not clear whether the US knew Ukraine would move to strike the ship, however, and the US was not involved in that decision, the sources said.