(QP JJ) QP EXAM Jun 2022 (1)
幹細胞 2022-5-18 00:56:52 一齊轉


幹細胞 2022-5-24 17:14:19 大家溫成點
波菜冬 2022-5-24 19:29:54 Number of attempts allowed

Effective from June 2022 session, there is no restriction on the number of attempts in examinations and workshops for the Associate, Professional and Capstone Levels. However, QP student who has not completed the programme within 10 years from the date of first registration as a QP student will be removed from the student register under the Professional Accountants By-law 39.
幹細胞 2022-5-24 19:39:36 好耐啦
波菜冬 2022-5-24 20:04:20 岩岩先知 幾時講的
幹細胞 2022-5-26 01:01:21 之前email有出過
媽媽豬 2022-5-26 01:13:53

餐肉煎蛋飯 2022-5-26 11:40:04 【信譽不再】美國帶頭不再認可香港會計師 金融地位進一步消失
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區


陳柏宇自己肯做飯 2022-5-26 21:40:45 有m11 m12 mock
想換m13 m14
Excel3 2022-5-27 02:50:41 我都唔明 到時病咗得唔得?
胸部遺傳我爸爸 2022-5-28 12:57:39


幹細胞 2022-5-28 23:58:04 冇捻過會咁快
幹細胞 2022-5-28 23:58:24 巴打考FE?
陳柏宇自己肯做飯 2022-5-29 00:05:32 已上岸
姑零零 2022-5-30 01:45:22 即係點?炒幾多次都得?咩applicants都applicable?
幹細胞 2022-5-31 00:19:07 仲有咁好嘅同事真難得
來輸贏阿 2022-5-31 17:33:11 M13 換 M12
來輸贏阿 2022-5-31 17:34:47 Jun 22 M11 同 M13 換 M12 同M14 tg:kp134
陳柏宇自己肯做飯 2022-5-31 22:58:52 https://t.me/cecichan1995326
幹細胞 2022-6-5 22:48:35 開唔開個tg group 好
星語心願 2022-6-6 17:21:51 開!!! 加我PLEASE


星語心願 2022-6-6 18:30:15 開左個GROUP 換MOCK

幹細胞 2022-6-6 20:08:46 討論下 討論下
幹細胞 2022-6-8 21:29:19 我係咪開錯台
師父愛梨 2022-6-9 02:36:42 我acct major但點解填完qualification有份foundation 叫economic and market exempt唔到?唔係6份foundation都exempt哂架