[露營師] 第31個Post 睇晒#1 1001記得開post
105369 2022-5-9 19:37:20 就算可以地下生火,但都唔怕整爛地下咩?


蘆薈粒青提 2022-5-9 20:36:24 香港露營地點有限,熱門地方要營貼營,X位靚平草地面積又唔大,個個去黎去去都係個幾個地方


Mikikurota 2022-5-9 21:48:20 唔知外國點但香港咁細 假如每個玩柴火既人都燒地,應該一個月多d已經完全無曬草地
105369 2022-5-9 21:54:05 姐係講到尾,都係香港土地問題
105369 2022-5-10 00:25:38 除左草地,其實沙灘D地或者石地燒唔燒得?
山中野人 2022-5-10 09:01:48 其實燒到黑色一撻撻咁, 見到都無癮啦

向香港警察致莖 2022-5-10 10:01:07 呢種地型我諗都好難汁枯樹枝
其實焚火台+防火墊都係 1.5 kg左右
如果自備炭/木 呢d燃料既重量都重過焚火台啦
李星髮型似我 2022-5-10 10:24:18 好多人都係貪玩貪方便 夜晚有個火好feel啲

肯比錢其實焚火台可以好輕 belmont個隻先400g左右 又夠大隻 加多張日本muraco防火墊1xxg 比盡先600g 話貴嗰啲真係藉口嚟
燒到地下黑哂變爛地 自己睇到都唔開胃啦 同周圍去廁所唔執返張紙巾啲一鳩樣
聞西西 2022-5-10 12:36:39 你燒之前可以諗下
聞西西 2022-5-10 19:27:45 如果真係要 camp fire

Existing Fire Rings
The best place to build a fire is within an existing fire ring in a well-placed campsite. Keep the fire small and burning only for the time you are using it. Allow wood to burn completely to ash. Put out fires with water, not dirt. Dirt may not completely extinguish the fire. Avoid building fires next to rock outcrops where the black scars will remain for many years.

Mound Fire
Collect mineral soil, sand or gravel from an already disturbed source. The root hole of a toppled tree is one such source. Lay a ground cloth on the fire site and then spread the soil into a circular, flat-topped mound at least 3 to 5 inches thick. The thickness of the mound is critical to insulate the ground below from the heat of the fire. The ground cloth or garbage bag is important only in that it makes cleaning up the fire much easier. The circumference of the mound should be larger than the size of the fire to allow for the spreading of coals. The advantage of the mound fire is that it can be built on flat exposed rock or on an organic surface such as litter, duff or grass.

Fire Pans
A fire pan is another good alternative to a traditional campfire. Metal oil drain pans and some backyard barbecue grills make effective and inexpensive fire pans. The pan should have at least three-inch-high sides. It should be elevated on rocks or lined with mineral soil so the heat does not scorch the ground.
文化推動者 2022-5-10 19:58:05 開始落足一星期雨


travisgooood 2022-5-11 00:02:44 有無人聽日買山之道個袋
gnuehcwc 2022-5-11 00:09:34
travisgooood 2022-5-11 00:11:25 師兄買one?
新會然9527 2022-5-11 00:19:19 大交合啲預報
Mamba.Mentality 2022-5-11 01:03:07 想知道大家嘅露營背囊普遍會簡50L定65L
以前用開個40L爛左 想換個大啲鬆動啲擺多啲野 去開2日1夜係咪50L都好夠用
絲襪專家 2022-5-11 02:11:40 新手65L吧

gnuehcwc 2022-5-11 13:29:40 MINI
娜恩B世界第一 2022-5-11 16:45:26
gnuehcwc 2022-5-11 16:55:41 搵下有冇o記金卡幫手
娜恩B世界第一 2022-5-11 16:57:20


講道理啦臭西 2022-5-11 17:14:39
從前慢 2022-5-11 17:22:30 此回覆已被刪除
講道理啦臭西 2022-5-11 17:24:35
聞西西 2022-5-11 17:51:58