Sonaldo 2022-6-17 17:19:17



Rihey與HoneyJ 2022-6-17 17:44:44
處女膜(已修補) 2022-6-17 17:45:57
倉頡速成易上手 2022-6-17 19:00:04 打電話同email啦
Max.Verstappen 2022-6-17 19:08:27
Rihey與HoneyJ 2022-6-17 19:11:06
英國短毛喵 2022-6-17 20:49:43 我想問按以下紅字咁講,咁係咪即係指依家已經唔駛要張ISO15189 紙?如果係嘅去boots 到做PCR 應該都得啦



Relevant Taiwan or overseas travellers arriving at Hong Kong International Airport

Negative result proof of PCR-based nucleic acid test for COVID-19 should include:

a. A test report in English or Chinese issued by a laboratory or healthcare institution bearing the name of the relevant traveller matching that in his or her valid travel document to show that:
1. the relevant traveller underwent a nucleic acid test for COVID-19, the sample for which was taken from the relevant traveller within 48 hours before the scheduled time of departure of the specified aircraft (“specified aircraft” means a civil aviation aircraft that arrives at, or is about to arrive at Hong Kong, i.e. the aircraft which is directly landing Hong Kong);
2. the test conducted on the sample is a polymerase chain reaction-based nucleic acid test for COVID-19; and
3. the relevant traveller was tested negative for COVID-19; and

b. If the relevant report is not in English or Chinese or does not contain all of the above information, a written confirmation in English or Chinese issued by the laboratory or healthcare institution bearing the name of the relevant traveller matching that in his or her valid travel document and setting out all of the above information. The said written confirmation should be presented together with the test report.
Note: The Government specifies that the relevant test must be a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based nucleic acid test. Results of tests conducted using other testing platforms (e.g. reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification, RT-LAMP) cannot be considered to have fulfilled the relevant specified boarding requirement
Max.Verstappen 2022-6-17 21:19:39
Smelly.Cat 2022-6-17 21:35:26
漾君擎天 2022-6-17 21:53:16 此回覆已被刪除
Sonaldo 2022-6-17 21:55:14 Agree


漾君擎天 2022-6-17 21:55:36 此回覆已被刪除
處女膜(已修補) 2022-6-17 22:08:40
Rihey與HoneyJ 2022-6-17 22:45:12
高爾彭馬 2022-6-17 23:00:56 年尾可能已經唔洗隔離7日
Max.Verstappen 2022-6-17 23:05:31
高爾彭馬 2022-6-17 23:05:56 有咁好咩free cancel?
高爾彭馬 2022-6-17 23:06:30 不過轉3日就幾乎肯定
Max.Verstappen 2022-6-17 23:25:23
吠到你叫春 2022-6-17 23:37:24 我老母本身6月19日美國飛香港 經日本東京轉機 20號到香港

本身book咗20-27 隔離酒店

但而家JAL中咗熔斷 24號先復飛


Sonaldo 2022-6-17 23:41:22 何來的自信


Sonaldo 2022-6-17 23:42:21 問下航空公司有冇alternatives
狗嘅一腳踢 2022-6-17 23:45:37
倉頡速成易上手 2022-6-17 23:50:21 有啲酒店有寫政府改政策嘅話會free cancel
漾君擎天 2022-6-17 23:53:01 此回覆已被刪除