LIHKG [Klopp2026] 紐卡素 對 利物浦 2
Thiago 2022-4-29 17:54:20 西咸話free走都唔賣


黑子 2022-4-29 17:55:35 德甲球會黎wo
朴真京 2022-4-29 17:55:50 西咸都唔等錢洗,free走咪free走
朴真京 2022-4-29 17:56:07 講緊飯
朴真京 2022-4-29 17:57:10 人哋留係倫敦玩兄弟足球唔好咩
Thiago 2022-4-29 17:57:42 佢一定係車仔架啦
黑子 2022-4-29 17:58:29 講緊寧願free走都唔賣好有德甲影子
朴真京 2022-4-29 17:59:53 人地有新班主,要證明自己唔係selling club有野心留人,冇心留既咪free走
WasabiB 2022-4-29 18:03:25 此回覆已被刪除
屎忽生毛蟲 2022-4-29 18:03:52 屌阿,有新聞話今次續約唔加人工
Matt_Helders 2022-4-29 18:04:39 記者都唔記得呢個人


Matt_Helders 2022-4-29 18:05:10 想問而家仲有冇人叫文尼f9躝
夜神裕一郎 2022-4-29 18:06:25 d錢比哂salah個agent
Berger 2022-4-29 18:06:25 Rio Ferdinand:⁣

"If Liverpool achieve the quadruple then they are immortal, they are above anyone that has played the game in this country. They’re relentless with and without the ball. It’s the way they press teams, the energy, effort, application, you marvel at it. Whether they can achieve it remains to be seen. But they’re ticking boxes along the way at the moment.

“This is the best Liverpool team I have ever seen." #LFC [bt]


sick ball
Matt_Helders 2022-4-29 18:08:14 埃及文明應該真係球隊近年史上最偉大既前線組合
Sasasayaka 2022-4-29 18:08:45 幾時都話應該請郎奴高文教嫁啦
爸爸托C 2022-4-29 18:09:08 Keep 住三日一場都無得出自己知咩事啦
D.Pacheco 2022-4-29 18:09:59 但根本無乜可能四冠

最大機會係FA cup >>> 歐聯> 英超
明奴明奴如盡興 2022-4-29 18:10:19
Matt_Helders 2022-4-29 18:11:46 咁又唔好咁講
屌尖宗 67 南
Berger 2022-4-29 18:11:59 打下丁啫


Matt_Helders 2022-4-29 18:12:32 四冠真係班報紙佬吹
Berger 2022-4-29 18:12:39 仲有ox
吾日三打吾丁 2022-4-29 18:12:48 有多個歐聯夠哂
WasabiB 2022-4-29 18:12:53 此回覆已被刪除