LIHKG [Klopp2026] 紐卡素 對 利物浦 2
道地檸檬綠茶 2022-4-29 13:27:48 唔係好諗到


爸爸托C 2022-4-29 13:28:24 又唔係我講
黑子 2022-4-29 13:28:45 某中國近代詩人
朴真京 2022-4-29 13:30:06 就咁話啦
黑子 2022-4-29 13:30:35 仲差一個wo
pccf 2022-4-29 13:31:08 季中接手,一黎就入左兩個決賽,雖然輸曬
第三年買vvd 入歐聯決賽,不過又輸

朴真京 2022-4-29 13:32:44 我都係講緊頭半季聯賽都有幾場踢得柒,對金絲雞果場差啲失分,仲有幾場都係後防踢到震哂咁,不過去到杯賽就明顯上電好多
易碎物 2022-4-29 13:32:51 條17分鐘訪問開lfctv ac免費睇,點解youtube要最高tier subscription先睇得
比D掌聲自己 2022-4-29 13:36:45 係你講
對倒 2022-4-29 13:37:16 某少年籃球漫主角?
爸爸托C 2022-4-29 13:39:01 家超中同講架


泰亞高艾簡達拿 2022-4-29 13:39:20 3連亞
黑子 2022-4-29 13:39:22 你針對我
泰亞高艾簡達拿 2022-4-29 13:40:26 近期2-3年前都照捉
倉野尾成美 2022-4-29 13:40:46 此回覆已被刪除
迷力黨主席 2022-4-29 13:41:20 此回覆已被刪除
李典(曼成) 2022-4-29 13:42:30
迷Alberto.M會員 2022-4-29 13:43:38

泰亞高艾簡達拿 2022-4-29 13:45:20
咁都食得落 呃埋錢叻仔
夜神裕一郎 2022-4-29 13:46:12


2022-4-29 13:47:00 家有賢妻


對倒 2022-4-29 13:48:31 洋達同法子?
Berger 2022-4-29 13:52:16 There is so much to appreciate about Villareal...they had 5 bad minutes defensively but overall this is how defensive Football should be played. Not how Ateltico does it by cheating constantly, creating fights and then calling it "dark arts". The Simione method is pure anti-Football nonsense. Villiereal stood up to a hotly in-form LFC team and Anfield, and they are still in the tie.

Villareal fans are very classy. Brought out their own YNWA 96 banner last time. Well behaved folks. The manager and players conduct themselves well. And they have come so far in Champions League without a big budget..just effort and persistence, against all odds. Clubs like these make Football the beautiful game it is. Respect from Anfield 🚩


Respect 黃潛
明奴明奴如盡興 2022-4-29 13:53:31 好有class
明奴明奴如盡興 2022-4-29 13:53:47 diu 回錯post