2022-6-7 23:01:08
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5000WX CPUs & WRX80 Platform Now Powers Dell’s Precision 7865 Workstation With Up To 64 Cores of Content-Ripping Performance
2022-6-8 19:07:39
AMD's Upcoming Zen 4 CPU Delidded by Overclocker
It appears that AMD's Zen 4 based CPUs are making their ways into the hands of overclockers and so far at least one has already been delidded. Although we only get to see the IHS itself, it's clearly very thick compared to what we've seen in the past, although it appears to be fairly straightforward to remove, if it wasn't for the fact that the two CCD's and the IOD are soldered to it. Unlike current CPUs, which have a solid seal, the Zen 4 CPUs appear to only have the IHS glued to the CPU packaging in a few spots.
Judging by the looks of the area where the CCDs and the IOD attach to the IHS, this looks like a destructive delidding, although it could just be leftovers from the soldering material. The IHS has clearly been coated with some materials for a good solder interface as well, but this is nothing new, as we've seen this on delidded, soldered CPUs in the past. The person who shared this picture should most likely not have done so and as such, we won't be posting a link to the source.
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