Nadal 2022-5-28 00:15:51 The “recount” of the Dr. Oz Senate race in Pennsylvania continues. Almost two weeks now, and counting. Any big surprises in store? What does the WSJ Ed Board think now? Not exactly transparent, right? Our elections are strictly Third World. Go to SAME DAY VOTING, PAPER BALLOTS! France and others go quickly and accurately. GET SMART AMERICA!



Nadal 2022-5-28 00:39:26 https://twitter.com/manpreetkailon/status/1530220369818230784

Nadal 2022-5-28 00:43:47 https://twitter.com/unusual_whales/status/1530224898433425409

菠蘿包88 2022-5-28 06:53:20 https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1530314564314836992?cxt=HHwWgMC9iaC_4rwqAAAA
Nadal 2022-5-28 14:46:37 Non US news:

Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead… Now Facing Criminal Charges

點解唔打針? 呢個西班牙藥廠高層反科學!

Among those accused are Bruno González Cabrera, a defender who played for Betis, Getafe, Levante and Valladolid. Fabio Díez Steinaker in beach volleyball, runner-up in Europe and fifth in the Sydney Olympic Games. The former Valencian boxer and wrestler José Luis Zapater, alias Titín, who starred in more than a thousand fights.

The famous people invesitaged so far includes: José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, President of PharmaMar, Trinitario Casanova, one of the richest men in Spain, Kidd Keo, trap singer in English and Spanish, Anier, rap singer, Jarfaiter, rap singer, Veronica Echegui, actress, Bruno Gonzalez Cabrera, soccer player, Fabio Díez Steinaker, former beach volleyball Olympian, José Luis Zapater, alias Titín, former boxer, Camilo Esquivel, recognized and prestigious doctor.
請你吻屎 2022-5-28 22:29:38
請你吻屎 2022-5-28 22:30:11
Nadal 2022-5-29 01:35:45 https://twitter.com/StephHoover8/status/1529588761331384321

Nadal 2022-5-29 08:05:36 https://twitter.com/P_McCulloughMD/status/1530689301113188357

Long COVID after breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection

每日打一針, 醫生遠離我
硬膠胸奴 2022-5-29 19:40:34 此回覆已被刪除
Nadal 2022-5-30 02:03:34 https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1530954627574910976



菠蘿包88 2022-5-30 02:59:58 'Weapon of war': Harris demands ban on assault weapons, says they have 'no place in civil society'
May 29, 2022 | 12:25pm
“We know what works on this. It includes, let’s have an assault weapons ban​," she said.
菠蘿包88 2022-5-31 03:39:36

Nancy Pelosi's husband was in car crash before his DUI arrest: cops
May 30, 2022 | 8:43am
Paul Pelosi, 82, was attempting to cross in Napa County's State Route-29 in a 2021 Porsche late Saturday when he was in a collision with a 48-year-old man driving a...
菠蘿包88 2022-5-31 03:42:34

菠蘿包88 2022-5-31 03:44:21 https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1530932762101923841?ref_src=
Nadal 2022-5-31 05:38:46 https://twitter.com/MailOnline/status/1531352258583179264

菠蘿包88 2022-5-31 11:59:04

Video shows shoplifters brazenly clearing shelves of LA Sephora store
May 30, 2022 | 8:16pm
A trio of fearless thieves emptied the shelves inside a high-end makeup store in Los Angeles as stunned shoppers watched in amazement.
Nadal 2022-5-31 14:23:48 WHO Forced into Humiliating Backdown

Botswana read a statement on behalf of its 47 AFRO members, saying they would be collectively withholding their support for the ‘reforms’, which many African members were very concerned about.

Multiple other countries also said they had reservations over the changes and would not be supporting them either.

These included Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran and Malaysia. Brazil in particular said it would exit WHO altogether, rather than allow its population to be made subject to the new amendments.

Nadal 2022-5-31 14:48:18 Whisteblower’s Lawyer: Pfizer Got Away With Vaccine Fraud Because Government Was Co-Conspirator

In its motion to dismiss, Pfizer says the regulations don’t apply to its vaccine contract with the U.S. Department of Defense because the agreement was executed under the department’s Other Transaction Authority (OTA), which gives contract holders the ability to skirt many rules and laws that typically apply to contracts.

硬膠胸奴 2022-5-31 18:22:46 此回覆已被刪除
硬膠胸奴 2022-5-31 18:28:14 此回覆已被刪除


請你吻屎 2022-6-1 00:00:51 而家先出聲
硬膠胸奴 2022-6-1 00:14:27 此回覆已被刪除
硬膠胸奴 2022-6-1 00:18:40 此回覆已被刪除
夢燈籠 2022-6-1 00:22:05