移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
CNTower 2022-3-27 02:00:02 Are you a civil engineer now?



明心樓街坊 2022-3-27 06:18:43 前題係要用新鮮海魚
明心樓街坊 2022-3-27 06:25:29 巴打點睇 CA vs AICPA 嘅難度?
如果 CA 嘅難度係10
咁 AICPA 有冇5?
陳皮曬完唔好食 2022-3-27 07:02:54 a bit surprised about 仔女唔識聽睇寫中文同廣東話

Or 你覺得要按佢地意願,鍾意學就學,所以最後冇學到?
CNTower 2022-3-27 07:36:23 What is AICPA?
American Institute of CPA?
CNTower 2022-3-27 07:37:53 I don't force my kids. There is no practical use to know Cantonese in their work.
大迴魂 2022-3-27 08:47:40 想問下多倫多果邊有冇fire engineering or building services (fire)相關嘅行業
Devin_Booker 2022-3-27 09:18:59
綠帽鹿角 2022-3-27 09:25:07 香港人鍾意日本嘢
喺Steeles叫做有個J-town商場仔 有間超市仔 日式麵包 肉店等 但總體規模都係細
今日口痕去downtown食咗個天丼 未算係好出色
綠帽鹿角 2022-3-27 09:26:28 喺超市海鮮部 佢仲貴過龍蝦

CNTower 2022-3-27 09:42:10 Not familiar with this area


CNTower 2022-3-27 09:42:51 From Vancouver? Ate that before.
Piatkowski 2022-3-27 09:56:58 hello uncle

Do you know about the property management job market in Toronto?
CNTower 2022-3-27 10:46:59 no I don't
CNTower 2022-3-27 10:52:53 I am not a fan of Japanese food. My wife likes them more.
J Town is a disapointment.
We used to go Japanese Super markets in NJ. It is aabout 8 hours drive from Toronto and about 30 mins from NYC.

(8.8K) · Japanese grocery store
Edgewater, NJ, United States
Closed ⋅ Opens 9:30 a.m. Sun · +1 201-941-9113
Supermarket chain offering a range of Japanese groceries, plus cosmetics, appliances & other goods.
那邊實? 2022-3-27 10:56:25
明心樓街坊 2022-3-27 10:56:38 係呀
CNTower 2022-3-27 11:14:50 依度 D淡水魚都OK嘅
CNTower 2022-3-27 11:18:23 both are good
Vancouver is better if you don't worry about possible earthquake


A big earthquake near Vancouver is almost inevitable. Are we ready?

The odds of a really big one – a magnitude 9 event similar to the megathrust earthquake and tsunami near Japan in 2011 – was estimated by a B.C. auditor-general’s report at one-in-10 over the next half-century. That could occur along the Cascadia subduction zone, where two tectonic plates collide. It runs offshore from Vancouver Island to northern California. The last big quake in this area was in 1700.

A major challenge for earthquake planning in B.C. is that, while earthquakes are not unusual in the province or in coastal waters, major quakes on land and near population centres are rare. Few British Columbians remember the last big one, a magnitude 7.3 on Vancouver Island in 1946. The urgency is not obvious. However, the 2011 earthquakes in Japan and near Christchurch, New Zealand, sparked governments here to renew their efforts.
蒙主寵召 2022-3-27 11:28:25 黎緊春夏 多倫多附近邊到釣魚好?
認得uncle個名 到步之後有特登去CNTower睇 覺得好搵笨
CNTower 2022-3-27 12:14:27 Do you drive?


蒙主寵召 2022-3-27 12:16:32 我自己唔識 不過有幾個釣友都過左黎 都有人有車
Somefoolcup 2022-3-27 12:18:43 唔好嚇我呀uncle. 我喺度住左幾十年淨係Feel左一次微微嘅地震 😬
就係唔信你個基督 2022-3-27 12:24:14 Is Canada a good place to build a startup?
女權最大 2022-3-27 14:13:05 呢度可以釣到咩魚多