移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
k00kder 2022-6-27 02:58:15 Crime rate 高: 有啲多餘,點會高過Toronto Montreal 等大城市


公務員都係狗 2022-6-27 03:07:07
CNTower 2022-6-27 04:30:24 last year's cherry-very sweet
滑嫩大波長腿妹 2022-6-27 04:32:53 Hello uncle
me and my fd are preparing for a 2years working holiday to Toronto, could you recommend any job that we can do? It’s okay if the job are not related to our career
Thank you~
P.s. I am a kindergarten teacher and a omakase chef in hk
滑嫩大波長腿妹 2022-6-27 04:40:24 Do Canadian love Japanese food? Are they willing to pay a high price for enjoying the top quality Japanese cuisine (like omakase)?
夕樹中子 2022-6-27 05:44:57 Teriyaki rice is a quick, popular lunch menu for working class American. Not sure for Canadian.
CNTower 2022-6-27 05:50:37 https://ca.indeed.com/jobs?q=japanese%20chef&l=Toronto%2C%20ON&vjk=c43ff819956a024f

kindergarten teacher-not sure, you may have to take a diploma.


CNTower 2022-6-27 05:53:17 There are many Japanese Restaurant in GTA (Greater Toronto Area) and Vancouver/Richmond. Some are high end.
CNTower 2022-6-27 05:55:22 日本料理の正式なトレーニングを受けましたか
Angel(放假) 2022-6-27 09:20:00 thank you for the reply uncle
Devin_Booker 2022-6-27 09:27:31 strawberry at the back


adhoc- 2022-6-27 09:39:52
CNTower 2022-6-27 11:43:14 Raspberry. Strawberry are close to the ground.
By the way, this is about the time to go pick your own cherry.
CNTower 2022-6-27 11:49:02 https://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/drugs/funded_drug/fund_trillium.aspx

Drugs and Devices Division
Drugs Funded by Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Program
The Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program is one of the most generous drug benefit programs in Canada, providing coverage for over 5,000 drug products, including nutrition products and diabetic testing agents. Drugs that are not listed in the Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary/Comparative Drug Index (Formulary) are also considered for coverage through the Ministry's Exceptional Access program on a case-by-case basis.

滑嫩大波長腿妹 2022-6-27 12:28:55
thank you
Devin_Booker 2022-6-27 12:49:05 Have you been to markham to pick up strawberries?
k00kder 2022-6-27 12:59:08 之前已經答咗大部分雇主有drug plan ,包嘅藥基本上不論咩雇主都係一樣。 只有蚊型公司係無員工福利無drug plan

你可以貼上網問加拿大公司employee drug plan (間間保險公司都差唔多) XXX藥包唔包。


貼上 reddit , 乜都有得問。

CNTower 2022-6-27 18:37:40 Did that over 40 years ago.
k00kder 2022-6-28 02:09:20 俾得呢d價錢當然幫襯日本人,有日本料理免許

但都有好多水魚俾2舊水食香港、大陸人整所謂 omakase
CNTower 2022-6-28 04:03:21 今晚加餸蒜蓉炒蜜糖豆

綠帽鹿角 2022-6-28 08:36:38 講到後園蔬果
我嚟咗呢度先知原來上海人包餃子 炒年糕食嘅「薺菜」
其實係一種雜草 英文叫Shepherd's Purse 喺呢邊草地好多時會見到


CNTower 2022-6-28 09:54:47 唔怪得久唔久有啲大媽係我條街既路邊摘草啦
綠帽鹿角 2022-6-28 10:14:52 所以「中國人吃草可以活一年」所言非虛
收埋小小啦 2022-6-28 12:27:05
Uncle 我唔係好熟多倫多個邊market
CNTower 2022-6-28 12:35:16 花鋪好難做.