移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
艾草 2022-6-24 08:22:00 此回覆已被刪除


CNTower 2022-6-24 09:09:38 我未去過。 開咗無幾耐,以前係department store.
綠帽鹿角 2022-6-24 10:43:27 上兩個街口去大統華/豐泰好過
洪_卓_立 2022-6-26 21:25:30 想問下香港考完車 用緊P

如你在香港已有車牌但未具兩年經驗,筆試合格後,可以跳過一年等候期,直接考 G1 路試。

考完筆試(合格則獲得 G1 牌照)>> 考 G1 路試(合格則獲得 G2 牌照)>> 再等一年 >> 考 G2 路試 >> 領取 G 牌。

咁我係咪代表有一年唔開得車 如果冇G牌人
adhoc- 2022-6-26 21:34:44
綠帽鹿角 2022-6-26 21:56:39 G2牌可以自己獨立駕駛
但酒精限度係零 即係你要揸車的話 一滴酒都唔飲得
同埋如果你係19歲或以下 午夜時段載客有限制

洪_卓_立 2022-6-26 22:00:38 我見溫哥華好似有D唔同? LN5

黎到立即搞考 G1 路試(合格則獲得 G2 牌照 呢到頭2PART
綠帽鹿角 2022-6-26 22:04:15 係呀
"With a G2 licence, you can drive anywhere, day or night, alone or with passengers on any road or highway in Ontario."
CNTower 2022-6-26 22:05:37 How old are you?
CNTower 2022-6-26 22:06:45 Different Province different rules
洪_卓_立 2022-6-26 22:16:40 以溫哥華黎講
都可以快快手考完L N 姐係唔洗等半-1年就可以開得車?


躺平形體大師 2022-6-26 22:18:16 lm
綠帽鹿角 2022-6-26 22:32:10 N已經可以自己揸車喇
BC Class 7L - ON G1
BC Class 7N - ON G2
BC Class 5 - ON G
洪_卓_立 2022-6-26 22:46:00 L 我睇番佢意思 姐係筆試同考眼力啦
姐係有左L 就可以立即考N 車牌?
但我見要有1YR SUPERVISOR 姐係點?

我諗緊既位係我拎住個P番黎溫哥華 要用幾耐時間先真係可以一個開車出街
綠帽鹿角 2022-6-26 22:53:44 BC Class 7L / ON G1 其實相當於香港嘅學牌
但加拿大嘅"supervisor" 一般有full driver's licence嘅人都可以做(各省例或有不同)
即係你搵你有車牌嘅老豆坐你隔離 你就可以學車架喇

我當年係香港P牌 過嚟考安省牌
你拎住個香港P牌 最多應該只可免等候期直接報考BC Class 7N / ON G2
Angel(放假) 2022-6-26 23:03:44
Angel(放假) 2022-6-26 23:04:43
adhoc- 2022-6-26 23:37:20
CNTower 2022-6-26 23:46:24 https://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/drugs/ohipplus/#:~:text=All%20Ontario%20children%20and%20youth,-866-532-3161.

All Ontario children and youth between the ages of 0-24 who are not covered by a private plan are automatically covered under OHIP+. An individual who does not wish to receive coverage under the program can opt out by contacting: ServiceOntario, INFOline at 1-866-532-3161.
CNTower 2022-6-26 23:52:53 https://www.canadim.com/study/live-as-a-student-in-canada/student-health-insurance/

Public Health Insurance Available: No
International students in Ontario are not eligible for the provincial Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). For this reason, all higher education institutions in Ontario offer health insurance plans that are available to international students.

Public universities generally offer health insurance through the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP), while colleges and other private institutions may present options from other providers.

Health insurance plans offered to international students through education institutions are not free. The costs are usually added to a student’s university fees.

Coverage for your family
How to enroll eligible family members
When will my family members’ UHIP coverage begin?
How to renew family member coverage
Do you have family members who will be moving with you to Canada? If they are eligible dependants, you must buy them UHIP coverage if they will be living with you in Ontario. Only dependants with an exemption can opt out of UHIP.

Eligible dependants include:

The legal or common-law spouse who is living with the eligible student or employee, where the common-law relationship has existed for at least 12 months.
The natural or legally adopted child, stepchild, or child for whom the eligible student or employee has been appointed legal guardian, whose primary residence is with the student or employee, is unmarried, dependent on the student or employee for support, and under age 22 (under age 25 if studying full-time at an accredited educational institution, or any age if mentally or physically disabled.
Dependants of Primary Members whose coverage under this policy terminated in the last five years are eligible for coverage under this policy while waiting for OHIP approval.
Other family members, such as your siblings or parents, aren’t eligible dependants.
How to enroll eligible family members
Your dependants won’t be automatically enrolled. You need to enroll your eligible family members.
CNTower 2022-6-26 23:55:33 Newfoundland is a very boring province.
Nova Scotia -not familiar with the Proviince.
Why do you worry about crime rate?


CNTower 2022-6-26 23:58:54 which province?
綠帽鹿角 2022-6-27 00:53:32 NL同加拿大本土冇陸路連接 人口老化 發展緩慢 冬天多雪
NS雖算較蓬勃 但大西洋省份整體而言都係滯後 勞動人口多移離
如果用日本做比喻 大概就係北海道咁嘅情況
k00kder 2022-6-27 02:56:00 有工做(唔係濕鳩公司)咪有drug plan

或者; (in Ontario,個個省唔同)


CNTower 2022-6-27 02:57:02 Cherry update- one week before harvest
