移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
不努力真的好爽 2022-5-31 13:56:58 做沒做過sugar daddy?


CNTower 2022-5-31 21:05:56 yes, my sugar babies




存倉T3Q返工對沖 2022-5-31 21:15:46 Hi uncle, greetings from Hongkong.
Wanna live in Canada.
波尤 2022-5-31 22:16:16 Hi!

Hows the weather like in Toronto?
When is the snow season and does it rain a lot in Toronto?
CNTower 2022-5-31 23:22:28 Welcome
Hot in the summer and cold in the winter
CNTower 2022-5-31 23:24:08 Doesn't rain that much. Vancouver has more rain.

Very hot today about 35 degrees C
It can be as cold as minus 15 to 20 in winter
綠帽鹿角 2022-5-31 23:58:59 充滿陽光 唔似溫哥華陰陰沉沉
CNTower 2022-6-1 01:06:29 https://www.currentresults.com/Weather/Canada/Ontario/Places/toronto-snowfall-totals-snow-accumulation-averages.php
Bekind 2022-6-1 04:31:32 Uncle覺得Eglinton West 治安點
綠帽鹿角 2022-6-1 05:08:57 東邊有錢西邊窮
CNTower 2022-6-1 05:45:01 not as bad as Jane and Finch and some other areas in Downtown


JohnSwire 2022-6-1 05:50:42 Have you handled tax resident/non-resident stuff when you worked for CRA?
k00kder 2022-6-1 06:05:11 其實你 google maps street view 去附近"行下“, 已經知道係點。

樹木林蔭,d屋新净企理, 屋前唔係生鏽爛車, 唔係垃圾一堆, 鋪頭唔係十室内九空或著d homeless shelter。

果區無問題 (Eglinton West subway station附近)

好多住咗多倫多幾十年華人, 係從來都唔會離開 Markham / Richmond Hill
綠帽鹿角 2022-6-1 06:12:10 不過地鐵之外 嗰區啲交通

去Allen Road啲車
k00kder 2022-6-1 06:26:03 任何區無地鐵都係較差架啦,而家整地鐵先o甘差姐。
Eglinton crosstown 今年9月開啦,一天光曬 (好似係)
CNTower 2022-6-1 06:56:56 not directly
what do you want to know?
魔鬼終結者 2022-6-1 07:22:44 Are you fake canuck?
18雙餸羅漢霆AL 2022-6-1 07:25:18 廢老上連登
單眼會跳舞 2022-6-1 07:34:58
咖啡。奶茶 2022-6-1 07:52:10 謝謝分享,祝生活愉快
秋夏 2022-6-1 08:07:10


CNTower 2022-6-1 09:30:38 fake canuck? me?
My two kids are CBC
CNTower 2022-6-1 09:31:54 Not familiar with Edmonton. Been there twice over 30 years ago.
CNTower 2022-6-1 09:32:06 welcome
CNTower 2022-6-1 09:33:50 You have to see a family doctor then the family doctor will refer you to see a specialist. However, the wait could be more than a couple of months.