移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
CNTower 2022-5-21 13:26:09 There are so many rules and regulations that will drown you.


CNTower 2022-5-21 13:34:24 I think there are mushroom farm operated by Asian in B.C.
A lot of the vegetables got the Asian market are from USA. Places like Florida has a longer growing season than Canada.
Farming requires large capital investments and labour intensive. Not an easy task for new immigrants.
Lanna 2022-5-21 14:48:32 got it
Lanna 2022-5-21 14:54:28 True.
Just curious as the Canadian products are well known for their high quality.
Better starts from working
Thx for the advice tho
快樂第三人 2022-5-21 15:05:28 It’s funny most of the hong kongers I meet have a “fantasy” about Japan. I finished my undergraduate in Japan just to find out that Japan is just another shitty place filled with old school Asian culture.
CNTower 2022-5-21 21:06:28 Now you know why I hate Japan.
It was a very"close" society back in the 70's. I don't know how it is now.
就係唔信你個基督 2022-5-22 05:08:12
CNTower 2022-5-22 06:16:14 寫左個軟件賣比專業人士
Are you aware if there are similar software in the Canadian and US market?
genesis_cool 2022-5-22 06:29:40 每個地方都有啲咁嘅麻煩嘢同埋歧視㗎啦。移民國家例如美加或者澳洲會好啲。
CNTower 2022-5-22 07:25:16 日本我印象中係好似包住一個殼既國家。佢哋唔會表現排外既動作, 但係骨子裡佢哋係會極力維護日本核心價值。 無論"外人"幾"日本化" 都好,佢哋都唔會將你當係"日本人". 當然依家可能有好多改變,好似同"外人"通婚增加。我屋企有三個親人係同日本人結婚。 但係佢哋都無辦法完全融入佢哋配偶既日本家庭。我一早睇到依一點, 連同其他原因, 所以我選擇去加拿大而放棄日本。
就係唔信你個基督 2022-5-22 07:54:39


CNTower 2022-5-22 08:36:24 你哋會唔會考慮搵個代理或者開間公司做吓先。 有無親戚朋友可以揸50% voting shares, 咁就係Canadian control Private Company, 會有多啲稅務優惠。 然後申請移民C加拿大。
快樂第三人 2022-5-22 11:07:50 Exactly…打個比喻,就好似你同班人做左朋友十幾年大家有講有笑玩得埋,但係你會發現班人會有自己嘅Whatsapp Group而冇加你入去咁…

CNTower 2022-5-22 12:12:29 永遠都係"圍外人"
綠帽鹿角 2022-5-22 21:59:29 樓主有冇認識或親身遇過呢期嚟加拿大坐救生艇嘅香港人?
有點感概 連登呢度只係一個多倫多 都有幾個post碌緊
好多巴打問嘅問題係好實在好深入 我都唔識答
CNTower 2022-5-22 23:56:58 親戚朋友圈有幾 個年青人 今年嚟咗加拿大。 不過唔清楚佢哋以乜嘢身份嚟.。 只聽講都係喺香港撈得幾掂, 如果唔係迫不得已,都唔會捨得拋棄係香港拼搏咗咁多年既成果,嚟加拿大呢個人生路不熟,苦寒之地,從頭做起吖。我願各人都可以適應依度,安居樂業,落地生根,創造自己一片天,融入
我發現你好針對性 2022-5-23 10:56:48
CNTower 2022-5-23 11:19:00 點睇個邊的大麻行業?非法既?做sales?
working visa就ok定要有身份證先可以接觸大麻行業?
just a reguar sales job. no known restrictions.

Career in Education is bleak. lookup some diploma program instead
我發現你好針對性 2022-5-23 11:30:33
笑撚死人咩咩 2022-5-25 04:20:47
CNTower 2022-5-25 05:01:31 讀邊科,搵工都唔容易.
讀accounting嘅diploma/postgrad certificate,可能會好啲
不過都有好大競爭. 如果你無讀過會計,咁就有啲挑戰


英國間諜Carrie 2022-5-25 09:20:29 Uncle點睇加拿大既治安?
而家睇到北美啲槍擊案真係有啲驚(我本身有少少焦慮 成日擔心好多野 直情有啲想返香港
CNTower 2022-5-25 09:45:37 邊驚得咁多吖
綠帽鹿角 2022-5-25 09:55:16 其實都係基本生活常識:
貴重嘢唔好擺當眼處 鎖好佢
CNTower 2022-5-25 11:37:41 唔好揀治安差嘅區- Yonge street from Finch to Sheppard

It was just an early sign of what was to come. Over the next 25 minutes, the 2.2 -kilometre stretch of Yonge from Finch down to Sheppard Avenue would bear witness to dozens of similarly horrific scenes. Onlookers described panicked pedestrians fleeing amidst screams, past bloodied victims and bodies left laying on the ground.

Alek Minassian, shown on his LinkedIn profile, has been charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder and 13 counts of attempted murder.
Dozens of people were mowed down in a killing rampage that Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders described as “deliberate.” Officials, meanwhile, called it an “attack” – the worst such attack in Toronto’s history.

The official count, as of Monday evening, is that at least 10 are dead and 15 were injured – many of them critically.

Danforth Greek town 嗰頭都OK㗎
The 2018 Toronto shooting, known locally as the Danforth shooting, was a mass shooting that occurred on Danforth Avenue in the Greektown neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario, Canada on the night of July 22, 2018.[5] Faisal Hussain killed two people and wounded thirteen using a Smith & Wesson M&P .40-calibre handgun.[2][3] He died by suicide after a shootout with Toronto Police Service (TPS) officers.[6] Despite a year long investigation, authorities were unable to determine a motive for the shooting.

當然,Jane/Finch area 就少去啲好