移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
k00kder 2022-5-17 06:22:33 如果係想推佢地上去上流階層 或者值得咁做

呢個就係重點! 新移民想快速進入上流社會

Spring Break d 同學去瑞士滑雪,如果你個細路只可以坐車去去 Blue Mountain....


綠帽鹿角 2022-5-17 06:38:32 唔係白人 可以去到幾高
k00kder 2022-5-17 06:55:01 你唔好理,好多富貴香港新移民家長唔鍾意人地話 private school 唔好,佢地社交圈都係富貴香港新移民, 共同理念。

讀到 private school 家長好開心, 仔女就唔知, 我識果d 可以每年去幾次歐洲,美國同歐洲都有度假屋, 我估唔會覺得比唔上。

之前都 post 過, 白鬼真正有錢 old money 唔會讀 private, 除非係讀 public 跟唔上或踢出校, 不過d 人唔會信。
muvg 2022-5-17 07:08:34 why
CNTower 2022-5-17 10:35:36 我細細個嗰時學日文係要嚟罵鳩啲日本細路。 點知俾老豆聽到我識用日文同啲鄰居傾偈, 就送咗我去學日文。 我個時讀緊三年班喳。 嗰時每個禮拜要返兩晚日文。 又要做日校啲功課, 又要溫習日文,辛苦到死。後尾啲日本鄰居同我做咗死黨。 成日要我帶佢哋依度去嗰度去。 其中有兩兄妹因為佢哋老豆要調職返日本, 好想我去日本留學。 佢老豆意做我既擔保人。 但係我一啲都唔中意去日本。 後來1978年,我全加拿大日文比賽第一, 日本外務省邀請所有國家/地區既獲勝者免費遊日本兩個禮拜(包食住同洗費)係日本, 佢兩兄妹同佢亞媽一齊同我食晚飯。 佢哋又舊事重提, 我又婉拒咗。 個妹知道 陳美齡係我同校, 仲叫我同佢攞簽名添。日本去玩就 整幾過癮既, 長住就唔啦。 我唔中意食日本嘢,居住條件又麻麻,個時日本做嘢又好排外(特別係華人)雖然嗰個日本妹係好掂, 但係我都係中意同聲同氣既囉。


小澤馬蹄露 2022-5-17 10:55:55 Uncle 可唔可以講下加拿大槍權
CNTower 2022-5-17 11:16:43 Almost none of the shooting in Toronto involved legally owned guns.
There are many restrictions for owning and carrying guns in Canada. But hard to stop guns smuggling from USA.
小澤馬蹄露 2022-5-17 11:24:10 So there are shootings in Toronto, are there any tips you can advice? I know obviously to stay out of dodgy area and don't hangout at night on the streets and those stuff, but the recent attacks are quite random attacks right?
So basically you could get shot just being unlucky? I'll still go anyway but would be great to know more.
Also how in your opinion do you think of the police force? Are they like really professional or are they like pretty emotional unstable like the ones down the states? or in hk?
Cos I know police forces gets nervous very easily at places where guns are allowed.
小澤馬蹄露 2022-5-17 11:24:55 *emotionally
CNTower 2022-5-17 11:53:16 Police force are ok la. Good in issuing traffic tickets. There has been shootings by police and some of them were charged and sentenced to prison.

咪望啦 2022-5-17 14:28:00 想了解下壞處,唔好嘅地方


CNTower 2022-5-17 20:44:43 想了解下壞處?
加拿大係萬稅國,收入要打入息稅, 買嘢要俾銷售稅,賣屋(自住好可能除外), 股票要打稅。 總之乜春都可能要打稅

冬天有時凍撚到手指都凍硬。 我年初清除架車啲雪仲凍傷兩隻手指((搵唔到手襪)痛撚咗幾個禮拜至好番。

不過我可以大聲講支持 Quebec, Alberta 或者任何一個省獨立, 吊鳩首相都唔會俾人拉.
Trudeau 喺Freedom Convoy事件, 俾人罵佢違反加拿大人權法。 去到歐盟議會俾人忽視同有兩個議員指責佢係民主世界既羞恥


過客 2022-5-18 06:35:10 There is always next season

Battle of Alberta is upcoming, not to be missed
清晨師兄 2022-5-18 11:50:26 hi 巴打
CNTower 2022-5-18 12:00:34 is it hard to learn German?
曼不群(鑑純夏廚) 2022-5-18 12:03:02 hi
清晨師兄 2022-5-18 12:08:18
CNTower 2022-5-18 12:11:27 勇敢
清晨師兄 2022-5-18 12:15:46
CNTower 2022-5-18 19:02:10 But why Germany?
Lanna 2022-5-21 09:34:21 Do you recommend starting up a business or working in Canada?


CNTower 2022-5-21 10:56:37 work first
Lanna 2022-5-21 11:50:58 aye
Yet howd ye think of the primary production industry in Ca?
Saw ye enjoying some fishing early on
Lanna 2022-5-21 11:55:10 I mean like farming or harvesting something from the nature
DJ_LOVE 2022-5-21 11:55:11 剛來到當香港冇咩特別工作經驗返咩FULL TIME容易D請?係唔係一開始好難唔係拎最低工資?