移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
CNTower 2022-4-28 01:45:51 not that difficult


k00kder 2022-4-28 02:43:13 downtown 以上所講好多好似香港屋苑密質質, 個人唔會考慮 (purely personal opinion, 不喜勿插)

City Place 偷工減料香港式起法,出曬名;極大部分住客都係西租客,得閑無事響下火警鐘; 附近球場一有賽事塞車塞死, 每個禮拜幾場波

Liberty Village 有一兩棟係印度人住,應該咖喱味好香; 只得 King Street 街車出入,遲d 個GO Station 多d 火車會好d; 仲有幾個地盤起緊,沙塵滾滾

Corktown 未有o甘密 , 近 DVP 方便, 價錢平, 但如果買留意該地段係填翻黎好似話會下沉定點;之前D 單位係用黎做 汎美運動會 運動員宿舍, 會唔會俾D人住到有咩 hidden problem 唔知

Queens Quay 唔蜜,貴,都係有打波塞車問題

downtown 只會考慮 subway line 附近, 不過d 香港人會話 “雜”

k00kder 2022-4-28 02:53:58 yorkdale 同bayview village (bayview/sheppard) condo 租金都差好遠啦。

地址有 BAYVIEW 個字已經高幾皮

Dufferin/Lawrence 頗 up dup , 但都係一分錢一分貨, 治安無問題。
k00kder 2022-4-28 02:55:49 Why do you want to live in the boonies?
反正愛情不就這樣 2022-4-28 16:41:53
RAYIXR 2022-4-28 16:55:08 我都算acc, 一齊交流下
CPA上20個鐘online course 再pass MC quiz就得
CNTower 2022-4-28 21:00:31 Which Province?
RAYIXR 2022-4-28 21:04:31 打算去BC
CNTower 2022-4-28 21:34:49 not sure about BC
反正愛情不就這樣 2022-4-28 23:40:53
RAYIXR 2022-4-28 23:45:51 大學係讀accounting


一公斤的咳藥水 2022-4-29 00:46:35 請問Uncle你點睇比tips依個文化?

k00kder 2022-4-29 01:18:27 少啲出街食,自己煮平好多

買外賣 自己去攞 唔駛俾tips
CNTower 2022-4-29 02:16:15 tips依個文化
I only pay tips on restaurant sit-down meal.
Haven't done that for over 2 years now.
SKT.Faker 2022-4-29 02:21:31 好開心巴打分享比各位

genesis_cool 2022-4-29 02:29:13 Hi from US
CNTower 2022-4-29 03:09:34 welcome
Canada needs more young people
CNTower 2022-4-29 03:09:45 Which city?
CNTower 2022-4-29 03:11:19 My wife wanted to tip a Bell Canada technician. He refused and told my wife that he is well paid and won't accept any tips.
紙都A4我A0 2022-4-29 04:01:53
CNTower 2022-4-29 04:20:44 Human resources?
You probably have to take some sort of HR diploma first.


Freefear 2022-4-29 04:26:24 Uncle hi from Vancouver
CNTower 2022-4-29 04:38:16 hi
I like Vancouver
k00kder 2022-4-29 04:38:43 We would usually offer a can of pop instead, which they always accept. I suspect they are not allowed to accept cash tips, Bell technicians.

At a Canadian hotel, I had to leave my luggage with the front desk for a few hours. The clerk refused a tip. Normally luggage would be kept by the Bell Captain, who always expects tips.
廢老開心果 2022-4-29 04:49:42 除左藍領,有無咩行業可以轉,本身做緊D普通文職