移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
愛回加超鴨 2022-4-12 20:07:50


充實野菜 2022-4-12 20:12:39
反正愛情不就這樣 2022-4-25 04:06:33
QRC 2022-4-25 04:09:24 樓主你可以試下用cantoboard打拼音, 識講就識打

古法蒸餐包 2022-4-25 04:40:24
銀河老公 2022-4-25 05:07:05 lm
CNTower 2022-4-25 05:23:10 會計is NOT limited to audit.
Audit is just an initial training or a required experience so that Large Audit firm can get "CHEAP" labour.

I had gone through the same process "doing cheap labour', before I can get my CA license.

What are you doing now? Are you licensed yet?
CNTower 2022-4-25 05:26:00 cantoboard?
I wrote a column in a local Chinese newspaper
Invited to join a few local associations
Helped in election campaign
CNTower 2022-4-25 05:27:26 Condos?
Middle class. Near Lawrence West subway? Do you drive?
Area is ok
綠帽鹿角 2022-4-25 05:35:04 純粹個人觀感 未住過

CNTower 2022-4-25 06:22:55 Bayview/Sheppard- very expensive area


綠帽鹿角 2022-4-25 06:35:04 其實睇google map可以試下
睇多倫多 開個satellite view出嚟
越綠嘅地方 基本上係越有錢
CNTower 2022-4-25 09:14:04 https://www.photolife.com/richest-neighbourhoods-in-toronto/
As Toronto is the second most expensive city to live in Canada, following only Vancouver, many people wonder why the city is so expensive. One of the main reasons is that Toronto is the most populated city in Canada with over 6 million people. As there are so many people, housing is in high demand, raising the prices. Thankfully the city has many wonderful neighbourhoods, but if you’re looking for the richest ones to visit or reside in, you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading to find out what 10 of the richest neighbourhoods in Toronto are.

Contents hide
1 1. York Mills-Windfields
2 2. The Bridle Path
3 3. Sunnybrook
4 4. Forest Hill
5 5. Lawrence Park
6 6. Rosedale
7 7. Summerhill
8 8. Lytton Park
9 9. Yorkville
10 10. Hoggs Hollow
反正愛情不就這樣 2022-4-27 17:09:25
黎明之前最為黑暗 2022-4-27 18:50:16 想問下住近湖邊個區治安好唔好?
綠帽鹿角 2022-4-27 19:01:27 個湖好大啵 但我估你係問近市中心嗰頭?
so far so good
近年多好多新住宅 住客主要係多倫多市中心一帶返工人士 算係比較educated
最好唔好揀太近大球場 球迷其實算規矩但始終係一個隱憂
RAYIXR 2022-4-27 19:02:13 有HKCPA可轉牌
黎明之前最為黑暗 2022-4-27 19:13:09 咁DOWNTOWN有咩區好介紹?
綠帽鹿角 2022-4-27 19:24:58 Fort York/ CityPlace
Liberty Village
Corktown (留意地鐵新線Ontario Line位置 地盤可能有噪音)
Queens Quay 沿路嗰啲都ok
喺正Entertainment District 就最好避免
CNTower 2022-4-27 20:13:16 On what status?
CNTower 2022-4-27 20:26:42 Why do you want to live downtown?


CNTower 2022-4-27 20:27:11 He/she is not licensed yet
反正愛情不就這樣 2022-4-28 00:18:21
反正愛情不就這樣 2022-4-28 00:19:22
RAYIXR 2022-4-28 00:31:59 咁冇興趣都冇計
