移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
金毛尋回貓 2022-4-10 22:23:59 And also how are you doing??


艾草 2022-4-10 22:35:06 此回覆已被刪除
充實野菜 2022-4-10 22:39:15
充實野菜 2022-4-10 22:47:21
艾草 2022-4-10 22:49:56 此回覆已被刪除
CNTower 2022-4-10 23:52:11 Hongkongese of course
CNTower 2022-4-10 23:52:57 follow my wife to work everyday. tax season is a nightmare.
CNTower 2022-4-11 00:07:10 The most important thing is "buy only if you have to".
Don't take it as an investment because it may be the largest purchase you make in life.
I know many people think if they don't buy it today, they will miss the boat "bus". House prices will go up and down. Although, in the long run, it will most likely go up unless the demand in a certain area collapsed- such as industries moving away, over supply- Ghost town etc.

I may be too conservative but I want to play it safe. I used to be a real estate salesman and I have witnessed people made a killing on real estate and I also seen many who had their house foreclosed. I have seen 20% and 2% mortgages.
All level of Government are trying to curb the house prices. I don't know if their policies are effective but it is better than doing nothing. Foreign buyers(speculation tax etc.) and investors in residential property are targeted (12 month rule)
Foreign buyers represented between 3 to 5% but they can jacked up price through their bidding war in the process. I have seen houses sold 50% above asking price by the foreign student's parent because it was near the school that his son will be attending.
艾草 2022-4-11 00:17:57 此回覆已被刪除
艾草 2022-4-11 00:20:17 此回覆已被刪除
CNTower 2022-4-11 00:22:05 I suggest you take some night course.
What kind of work are you interested in?\


Do you mind CBC? My son is a CBC. (just kidding)
I won't worry about boy friend.

Immigrating to another country is a major lifetime decision.
Life has many difficult selections. You can decide on some and some you can not decide yourself.

想問下 Uncle 多倫多有冇後生啲嘅香港人圈子?
There many ways to know people and you may want to find out by yourself when you get here. I was very active in the Chinese Community and Canadian politics and I got to know many people from all walks of life. I think you can do it too if you want to.
There are many people from HK or CBC whose parents are from HK.
Why next year and not this year?


金毛尋回貓 2022-4-11 00:25:14 I usually talk to myself in English although that’s 1999
still learning English
CNTower 2022-4-11 00:26:12 I love lakeside cottage- vacation only. Many cottages are not winterized. My friend had a cottage in a small island that he can use from May to mid- October. He has to take a boat to his cottage. The fishing there is really good. Every weekend he will buy a pound of green onion and 2 pounds of ginger. He will eat the fish he got every meal.
金毛尋回貓 2022-4-11 00:29:35 I think that must be easy for you because you used to work in accounting

Are Canadian speaking like that??
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
CNTower 2022-4-11 00:31:17 It's hard to think in another language.
My daughter says she has to "modify" her English when talking to me
I told her I had to "adjust" my Hongkongese too. That's why we sometime talk in Japanese.
Watchstars 2022-4-11 00:32:36
CNTower 2022-4-11 00:33:45 watch TV and listen to Radio. AM680 all news in Toronto is good
CNTower 2022-4-11 00:35:08 I only help out in tax research. I haven't done personal tax since 1985 and she has been doing my personal tax return since 1985..
金毛尋回貓 2022-4-11 00:35:55 Such a good wife
CNTower 2022-4-11 00:45:06 Uncle你覆我覆咗去第個人度哈哈哈哈

Ok i dont mind 可以認識!(我指朋友

咁嗰引? 重諗著話同個仔搵翻嗰港女做朋友添
you are not the 25 year old then.

只希望到埗認識到多啲唔同嘅人- you will, don't worry
Uncle覺得邊個月份嚟最好?May or Jun

係咪早嚟好過遲嚟?Of course- give yourself time to get used to the place

CNTower 2022-4-11 00:45:36 yeah, I never seen my tax refund since then


金毛尋回貓 2022-4-11 00:55:01
金毛尋回貓 2022-4-11 00:56:43 Nice
it’s late at night. I’m gonna hit the sack
Good night(noon for you) and talk to you soon
艾草 2022-4-11 00:57:45 此回覆已被刪除
Watchstars 2022-4-11 01:00:31 係我呀你冇認錯 歡迎你個仔搵我呢個港女做朋友
