移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
金毛尋回貓 2022-3-31 09:27:14 I’m pretending to work right now

Quite boring


CNTower 2022-3-31 09:29:58 I don' think so.
I pay my own way since 17 . I was teaching Japanese after I graduated from Japanese class between 1971 to 1975 (HK and Toronto) i was a columist in a local Chinese newspaper from 1975 to 1978 and a real estate salesman from 1977 for 18 months. My family didn't support me financially since I turned 17 years old.


CNTower 2022-3-31 09:30:50 its 9:30 pm here.
just returned home an hour ago.
CNTower 2022-3-31 09:31:17 I was good at that.
金毛尋回貓 2022-3-31 09:31:49 Are you retired??
CNTower 2022-3-31 09:37:10 yes. since 2016
but my wife is not
金毛尋回貓 2022-3-31 09:39:59 Are you wife HK people ?? Or Canadian born HK people/Chinese
CNTower 2022-3-31 09:54:37 HK from Kowloon side
1國2制含撚至軟 2022-3-31 11:01:13 Google input tools, 最啱識英文嘅人用
1國2制含撚至軟 2022-3-31 11:02:55 請問樓主移民之初,exchange rate是否加幣比美金高?
CNTower 2022-3-31 11:40:08 a liitle bit higher. i exchage $10.00 Canadian in NY, I got US$10.00 Plus 10 cents back


擦膠帥 2022-3-31 12:03:53
1國2制含撚至軟 2022-3-31 12:50:59 樓主係大赦之前去, 還是大赦之後去?
一無所有(22歲) 2022-3-31 13:22:31
1國2制含撚至軟 2022-3-31 13:27:45 應該唔錯
佢好似讀緊時候已經係藥房做緊part time
單身新人王 2022-3-31 17:20:23 hello uncle, have you heard about a man called Dan Lok? He seems to be a successful entrepreneur in Canada, but his videos sounds like Brian Cha in HK#haha

how do people think about these successful ppl as a migrant?
在坐都係垃圾 2022-3-31 17:47:58
CNTower 2022-3-31 19:45:29 Name in Chinese?
CNTower 2022-3-31 19:46:05 1974
Was it before or after?
CNTower 2022-3-31 19:46:52 Have no idea.
Very "cold" industry.
單身新人王 2022-3-31 20:51:59

this one

his video about interview is quite useful but im not sure whether his experiences are real

Brian Cha is a man who always post motivation videos and claims he can turn you to a successful entrepreneur by joining his course


CNTower 2022-4-1 01:43:54 Never heard about them.
Looks like someone from Chi Na.
綠帽鹿角 2022-4-1 02:49:29 我都未聽過
CNTower 2022-4-1 02:53:01 I heard about 地產三兄妹. Their office is in Time Square facing Hwy 7.
奈何橋前可奈何 2022-4-1 06:57:22
借個位賣下廣告~ sorry

