移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
CNTower 2022-3-30 07:46:02 https://stjacobsmarket.com/news/

Not sure if they are open yet.
St. Jacobs is good to visit and you may see


芝麻蘑菇湯 2022-3-30 07:53:20
綠帽鹿角 2022-3-30 07:54:35 好耐冇去過St Jacobs

周末市集都幾得意 不過都唔知疫情後變成點
入面嗰間apple fritter幾好食

btw附近仲有Fergus/Elora 都係小鎮咁
CNTower 2022-3-30 08:20:07 Fun to visit. I have been there over 50 times mostly on business.
Why Montreal?
CNTower 2022-3-30 08:21:12 I went fishing for Pike at Fergus many times
神崎次郎 2022-3-30 08:22:26 lm
芝麻蘑菇湯 2022-3-30 08:53:18
CNTower 2022-3-30 09:08:23 Good for you.
Hope you enjoy there.
Have you been up to Mt. Royale Observatory yet?
開心的港豬です 2022-3-30 11:18:11
gegenpressing 2022-3-30 11:22:52 此回覆已被刪除
在坐都係垃圾 2022-3-30 11:34:48


CNTower 2022-3-30 11:41:28 https://www.kijiji.ca/b-for-rent/city-of-toronto/pet-friendly/k0c30349001l1700273?rb=true&ad=offering

What breed of dog and how large?
Any paticular city/town do you have in mind?
There are landlords who are pet lovers too.
Let me know if you want more information.
CNTower 2022-3-30 11:44:34 https://www.google.com/search?q=bringing+pet+to+canada+from+Hong+Kong&rlz=1C1CHBF_enCA958CA958&oq=bringing+pet+to+canada+from+Hong+Kong&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i22i29i30.13256j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

i suggest you come over here by yourself first if you can find someone who can take care of your dog until you can settle down. I shipped my dog to NY 4 years after I left for Canada. She still remembers me.
CNTower 2022-3-30 11:52:36 Why would I go to Taiwan if my final designation is Canada? A degree from Taiwan (non English speaking) is less marketable in Canada .
CNTower 2022-3-30 12:02:24 I have 11 cats. I was rentinig 40 years ago and I had 2 Turkish Angola .
They were given to me by the Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister of Canada, the Right Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau (The father of the current Prime Minister).
He got them from his girl friend who worked at the Turkish embassy in Ottawa. She had to transfer to an embassy in Europe and I ended up with the very beautiful cats.
Sobadman 2022-3-30 12:46:37 懷舊下- I still remember the roadside bomb that almost kill me.

Uncle 好幽黙

所以 Uncle 一定生活愉快、健康長壽
CNTower 2022-3-30 12:50:25 It was scary. I was about to pick it up and my neighbour's dad pulled mr back.
金毛尋回貓 2022-3-30 12:53:32
守城世一心有光 2022-3-30 13:48:21 之前《消失的檔案》講返67暴動,有場搵左當年幾乎被炸死的人講返驚歷,件事真係好恐怖,個位朋友亦一樣記到依家

單身新人王 2022-3-30 13:51:57 hello uncle, do you know the prospect of civil engineering in Toronto? thanks so much!
在乳中饅步 2022-3-30 14:39:50 想問下加拿大其實係咪唔係好睇重邊間u grad
同埋business 嚟講uncle你會點排


開心的港豬です 2022-3-30 15:28:22
開心的港豬です 2022-3-30 15:31:59
CNTower 2022-3-30 19:29:11 I understand the feeling.
CNTower 2022-3-30 19:34:28 I was only 13 years old then. I can still remember the moment when my right hand was only 6 inches away from that "home made pineapple" it was placed there because Shui Fai Terrace has a lot of "ghost guys" but most of us that had to walk down those stair were servant ,construction workers and kids and not "ghost guy".