移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
乜諗嘢 2022-3-28 08:38:19 喺香港,諗緊如果有機會去唔去嗰邊發展, just work only


CNTower 2022-3-28 08:40:52 How can you go there? on what visa?
落地閂窗 2022-3-28 08:41:20 Hello Uncle
CNTower 2022-3-28 08:52:46 睇耳仔配耳機?
Are you talking about this?




乜諗嘢 2022-3-28 08:54:19 有機會係工作簽證
And is CPA useful than CFA?
落地閂窗 2022-3-28 08:54:37
CNTower 2022-3-28 09:06:15 CPA from USA? I am not familiar with CFA. CPA from USA is marketable.
CNTower 2022-3-28 09:08:52 https://www.sac-oac.ca/audiology/becoming-audiologist
落地閂窗 2022-3-28 09:09:41
CNTower 2022-3-28 09:26:02 All professional field are competitive

落地閂窗 2022-3-28 09:30:04 thanks


痴膠線 2022-3-28 09:42:33 真係好勁..肯捱.肯博
if_then.else 2022-3-28 11:04:38 讀大學大約要幾錢 可唔可以半工讀
唸唔到到改咩好 2022-3-28 11:15:31 Toronto 開cafe仔有無得唸

共慘黨書記 2022-3-28 11:22:16 Uncle,我想問點樣可以短時間內儲到英文,我ielts就攞4.5,我想喺2023年9月之前操到6分,唔知有冇一啲克苦嘅方法
CNTower 2022-3-28 12:02:30 depends on which U, what major, student visa or not
CNTower 2022-3-28 12:04:24 Life style is different. Lots of Tim hortons and some Starbucks
CNTower 2022-3-28 12:05:14 I don't know the lvel tes. I watched a lot of TV
Anwu8171 2022-3-28 12:05:40 此回覆已被刪除
夏天暖男 2022-3-28 12:06:10 此回覆已被刪除
共慘黨書記 2022-3-28 12:10:04 如果得自己一個人點樣操speaking?


Brightened 2022-3-28 12:22:08 They are registered charity providing mental healthcare and immigrants settlement services, receiving fundings from govt. They don’t charge clients for their services
明心樓街坊 2022-3-28 13:24:06
明心樓街坊 2022-3-28 13:27:15 連登真係有高人
DeadAir 2022-3-28 15:20:17 Uncle點睇mortgage broker貸款經紀 / real estate agent地產代理?邊份好d?