移民左去加拿大Toronto 48年 點滴 2
CNTower 2022-3-26 02:00:04 原本諗住講吓加拿大嘅 生活點滴,估唔到反應咁大。 雖然我嚟咗加拿大家48年, 但係有好多野我都唔在行。 我只可以儘量同你搵。

我學緊用廣東話輸入法。 但係慢撚到死。 所以我多數都會用英文回覆。

我係移民嚟加拿大嘅. 點解嚟?
1967 年差啲比菠蘿炸死, 1971會考肥咗. 家中亞哥,家姊已經咗移民加拿大
落機兩個禮拜已經做洗碗。跟住做過執枱,企枱,執貨,收銀,傳譯,然後返夜校讀中學.夜校畢業,嗰年暑假開始喺報紙寫相學專欄,喺當地電視台嘅中文節目做主持人同講相學。 大學一年暑假考左賣地產牌。

大學畢業後,老豆老母移民紐約。 叫我落去讀會計。 讀完, 考埋會計師牌,返回多倫多喺會計師樓返工。三年後入政府稅局做到退休。

從不悔離家,簡單幾行字, 點滴幾十年


粉葛包皮yoyo 2022-3-26 02:02:02 此回覆已被刪除
絕交!!!!! 2022-3-26 02:03:29 ching 多謝你分享

kaaid 2022-3-26 02:04:01
情非得已 2022-3-26 02:06:58 Hello 上面post爆左覆唔到
我係gpa 同mastercut off差一截果位

我計番校內係top 15%
但係都仲差cut off 0.3 (cut off 3.8…)

我係味應該要去報讀夜校/ post baccalaureate course

面具腦魔 2022-3-26 02:09:13 Hi uncle
its me masked brain evil again
Somefoolcup 2022-3-26 02:10:03 早晨 Uncle!! 好開心見到你開第二個post 我都係用語音輸入法 容易好多 已經唔係好識寫中文too 有時候淨係記得寫半隻字
Devin_Booker 2022-3-26 02:13:56

Hello uncle
Devin_Booker 2022-3-26 02:15:35 Do u know someone work in hvac field in ca?
Is it highly profitable?
ok啦收到 2022-3-26 02:29:42 hello叔叔
弱智Corvi 2022-3-26 02:32:26 此回覆已被刪除


D_Mertens 2022-3-26 02:43:12 Uncle is da best
基輔之鬼老婆 2022-3-26 02:48:05
讀得書多燒壞腦 2022-3-26 02:49:31 uncle 好叻叻,又有心,祝你健康,平安,同.
I.T汪汪 2022-3-26 02:53:52 hi uncle, 點睇 "家和" 呢d 機構?
CNTower 2022-3-26 03:13:51 “禮物”? One of the cat used to bring me dead birds and one brought us a $50 bill. But that cat did not want to come inside.
CNTower 2022-3-26 03:14:45 Apply anyway. Try to plea your case. Where are you now?
CNTower 2022-3-26 03:15:22 Hi. Are you masking your face or just brain?
CNTower 2022-3-26 03:15:51 Took me an hour to do the first post..
CNTower 2022-3-26 03:19:11 Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning?
Very good career prospect.
When deciding on a skilled trade, many students look at the latest employment forecasts, to see if the trade they're considering is actually in demand where they live.

No one wants to spend time, energy, and money on training, just to find it's incredibly difficult to land a job after school.

In this department, HVAC comes in very strong. Recent reports from the Government of Canada Job Bank show good demand for HVAC mechanics all across Ontario.

In fact, the occupation of "HVAC mechanic" has been awarded the Job Bank's highest rating for employment outlook—3/3 stars.

HVAC career

The positive forecast for HVAC mechanics is expected to hold steady for the next 10 years, with a stable balance of new jobs and job-seekers, all across Canada.

What's more, the 3/3 star-rating applies to every single region of Ontario reviewed by the Job Bank. Across the board, we're seeing good growth in this trade—which is by itself, an excellent reason to start an HVAC career this year.

3 Stars for "HVAC Mechanic" All Across Ontario

HVAC career

The next thing most skilled trades students want to know about is compensation. What are HVAC professionals earning, on average, where you live?

Well, the Job Bank has more encouraging data on current wages for HVAC mechanics in Ontario, with "median" salaries reaching an average of $28 per hour (or approximately $58, 000 per year) across the province.

At the high end, we're seeing wages as high as $45 per hour (or about $93, 000 per year). Obviously, you won't start out with salaries like these, straight out of training. But, it's very good to know that there's healthy earning potential in this sector.

HVAC mechanics are some of the highest paid tradespeople out there, along with electricians and plumbers. If you're looking for economic stability, an HVAC career is a very smart bet.

HVAC career

If you're looking for a trade that won't get boring, HVAC is an excellent option. HVAC mechanics work on many kinds of heating and cooling systems, including:

fire places
refrigeration systems
pool heaters
air conditioners
heat pumps
Plus, with rising demand for more energy-efficient, streamlined systems, we're seeing a lot of exciting new advancements in HVAC tech.

Throughout your HVAC career, you'll see really innovative tools for reducing environmental impact, while making heating and cooling much easier for clients to manage. Some top examples are:

internet-controlled "smart' heating and cooling systems that are managed via smartphone
solar-powered air conditioning units
geothermal heat pumps (heat is pulled from below the ground into the building)
digitally-controlled home venting systems that offer customized environments for every room in the house (otherwise known as "zoned" heating/cooling)
If you're interested in technology, and want a trades career that will keep you learning and expanding your skills, HVAC is the complete package.
CNTower 2022-3-26 03:20:12 hi


CNTower 2022-3-26 03:20:25 where?
CNTower 2022-3-26 03:20:42 you too
CNTower 2022-3-26 03:20:57 "家和" ??
基輔之鬼老婆 2022-3-26 03:21:12