LIHKG 有冇人覺得生酮撚真係賤過狗
又開追悼會la 2022-3-18 17:24:01 試過有生酮撚同我講糖份入左身體之後就唔會消耗到


擁抱大灣J 2022-3-18 17:26:06 同埋佢哋覺得自己高人一等
曼洛朱 2022-3-18 17:27:35 此回覆已被刪除
Yana.Pig 2022-3-18 17:28:17

fat-burning mode isn’t like flipping a switch. When you go Keto, your body needs time to fat-adapt.
Without Keto, your body relies more on carbs (glucose) for energy. But a low-carb diet takes away your carbs, so you switch to burning fat for energy. This fat-adaptation, also called Keto-adaptation, can take anywhere from 2 to 8 weeks, depending on the state of your metabolism.[*]
So if you’re on the Keto diet to lose weight, you need to be patient. That’s the first principle. Being patient gives your body time to fat-adapt, so you start burning through your body fat for energy. 
辣滑香雞腳 2022-3-18 17:30:26 試過一日生酮,頭暈又肚餓,放棄左
石兔 2022-3-18 17:31:00 35:16
石兔 2022-3-18 17:31:20 其實佢有 timestamp
曼洛朱 2022-3-18 17:33:12 此回覆已被刪除
Yana.Pig 2022-3-18 17:33:54

During fasting, or when very little carbohydrate is eaten, the body first pulls stored glucose from the liver and temporarily breaks down muscle to release glucose. If this continues for 3-4 days and stored glucose is fully depleted, blood levels of a hormone called insulin decrease, and the body begins to use fat as its primary fuel. The liver produces ketone bodies from fat, which can be used in the absence of glucose.
連登精溫陰囊 2022-3-18 17:35:02 簡簡單單熱量赤字俾班人係度亂鳩咁講
鬼哥 2022-3-18 17:35:03 之前有啲日子食牛角放題,計數kcal爆哂標,但行omad照落磅


曼洛朱 2022-3-18 17:36:22 此回覆已被刪除
鬼哥 2022-3-18 17:36:56 168的確坊間傳媒神化左
123455 2022-3-18 17:37:53 此回覆已被刪除
Yana.Pig 2022-3-18 17:38:14 揾食啫,犯法啊
鹿特丹 2022-3-18 17:39:30 其實都冇人話斷食冇用同對身體有害
但斷食唔係單單咁兩隻字就完 要有其他野配合
減肥減脂更加 而家咪就係講緊唔應該淨係話斷食就係減肥既key
Yana.Pig 2022-3-18 17:39:58 淨係食得多蛋會令人膽固醇過高呢個已經水左啲無知人士好多年啦
鬼哥 2022-3-18 17:40:04 相同卡路里,你1-2小時內食哂同分開三餐食,實際吸收同消耗邊會相同
鹿特丹 2022-3-18 17:40:50 認真問 想知體脂幾多
乾坤運轉 2022-3-18 17:42:58 我見有d好能極端 唔食蔬菜,狂隊肉 飲生油 痴撚線
123455 2022-3-18 17:43:56 此回覆已被刪除


鹿特丹 2022-3-18 17:44:47 咁前設都係有相同卡路里先

但認真想知 如果我TDEE 1900
日日168/186咁食2-3餐M記 總卡路里我當3000
鹿特丹 2022-3-18 17:47:14 咁你食咩多? 都唔會係日日牛角/M記掛
鬼哥 2022-3-18 17:49:35
石兔 2022-3-18 17:51:59 其實最緊要 substain 到姐,你一食野就有血糖波動,而血糖一落到低位個人就想食野,食少餐你個人其實反而無咁易餓。同埋好人其實分唔到口渴同肚餓,根本飲多兩啖水就輕鬆168。