LIHKG [Mac撚] 用家/買機集中討論(77) M1 Ultra搭載Mac Studio出場另加托柒27" mon
我係香港人呀D 2022-3-11 21:53:08 其實iMac pro同studio咪打哂交
姐淨係差aio 定分開買既分別?


#sosad 2022-3-11 22:14:52 M1 Ultra版已經要10-12星期先送到貨
社會學家 2022-3-11 22:18:36 負皮 睇嚟係冇人咁做
M1嘅 security enclave
J3J4 2022-3-11 22:20:50 Oh got you. Thanks bra
龍九(kowloon) 2022-3-11 22:40:18 其實m1 行arm windows 對windows program既兼容度高唔高

諗住去外國讀書就買部㩒用d 既
睇course outline 話要會用唔support macos 既program

諗緊trafe in換部16gb 1 tb 既mba
行parallel / 裝crossover
定買多部cheapcheap labtop
一等再等又等 2022-3-11 22:54:12 用緊m1 mba 有裝parallel win11 做公司野
有用remote desktop, office, SAP
so far 無大問題
溫柔是夜 2022-3-11 23:10:07 唔好講mac,window都不嬲唔裝
動物芝心 2022-3-11 23:10:21 袋底?
一等再等又等 2022-3-11 23:12:24 8cpu + 8gpu + 16gb ram
花生專員II 2022-3-11 23:47:00 上網搵資料m1 畫3D blender rendering 慢過rtx3080
花生專員II 2022-3-11 23:47:15 M1 max


京都念慈ohm 2022-3-12 00:25:44 本身M1 Ultra 產能唔會預咗高,一出又全球搶機(HEDT 級性能但細部得多),自然要等得耐
Oops! 2022-3-12 00:33:17 我用 Mac 超過十年未裝過防毒
四架坦克 2022-3-12 00:56:30 似係8GB DRAM module唔夠
因為M1 Max砌去64GB都會推到10-12 weeks
社會學家 2022-3-12 00:59:37 Mac其實一樣有木馬同毒之類
路過馬場的小膠羊 2022-3-12 01:21:11 知唔知 RTX 3080幾錢
阿仙奴世界第一 2022-3-12 01:50:57 m1都快過3080既話仲有無人會買3080呀
絲Dick哥已摸 2022-3-12 03:10:29
紐人院院長 2022-3-12 07:11:06


BernardoSilva 2022-3-12 07:32:46 M1 Max都係對等2080TI

M1 Ultra就得
#sosad 2022-3-12 07:56:16 With the introduction of the new Mac Studio and Studio Display, Apple quietly discontinued the 27-inch iMac – which was still sold with an Intel processor. While the company told the press that the 27-inch iMac is gone for good, rumors were suggesting that Apple has a new “iMac Pro” in the works, but this may no longer be the case.

Sources told 9to5Mac that Apple currently has no plans to release a larger-screen iMac in the near future. The information comes from the same sources that revealed to us the plans for Mac Studio and Studio Display in advance.
TomatoFish 2022-3-12 08:39:09 我都睇唔到 應該關monetery事
pugpugcran 2022-3-12 08:54:14 唔信