LIHKG 普京宣戰9:凜冬烈火續集/注意任何消息真實性
九指連環 2022-2-24 20:44:11 著草都要掛


龐佩奧(已投共) 2022-2-24 20:44:34
鍾欣桐 2022-2-24 20:44:39 Boris Johnson’s TV statement

We – and the world – cannot allow that freedom just to be snuffed out. We cannot, and will not, just look away
. It is because we have been so alarmed in recent months at the Russian intimidation that the UK became one of the first countries in Europe to send defensive weaponry to help the Ukrainians........

It is an attack on democracy and freedom in east Europe and around the world
. This crisis is about the right of a free, sovereign independent European people to choose their own future and that is a right that the UK will always defend.

人字拖拍蝗蟲 2022-2-24 20:44:50 中華民國都係創始國
このすば 2022-2-24 20:44:57 聯合國真係要第一次大戰後成立新聯盟先得
吾係男朋友 2022-2-24 20:45:05 基輔好似離邊境差200公里
Kpop死老嘢 2022-2-24 20:45:16 話哂係自己屋企,可能預咗拼死一戰呢
夢不拾遺 2022-2-24 20:45:34
F1餐 2022-2-24 20:45:38 此回覆已被刪除
このすば 2022-2-24 20:45:55 唔會一個大一個細
好似而家咁 常任咁柒啊
Nabati112 2022-2-24 20:45:59 引用:#195
• 1h
顯示所有 (1)

check mate






讓你使我血脈沸騰 2022-2-24 20:46:00 用嚟做buffer zone
IOTA 2022-2-24 20:46:06 BJ終於俾佢等到今日可以Churchill上身

我愛家駒 2022-2-24 20:46:14 烏雞都係戰爭民族之一,人地飲左幾多你唔會知
非gay維修師 2022-2-24 20:46:17 無知一問
Mikel.Arteta 2022-2-24 20:46:18 此回覆已被刪除
DAN_DAN 2022-2-24 20:46:19 想超越Churchill
無不散之地 2022-2-24 20:46:58 俄軍已入基輔
喜多川海夢(世一) 2022-2-24 20:47:03 我諗出都唔會而家出,等俄佬咬多下先
吉邨春袋子 2022-2-24 20:47:04

獅鳥(JACK) 2022-2-24 20:47:19 block左你先,on99


吾係男朋友 2022-2-24 20:47:21 白羅斯好似仲近
鍾欣桐 2022-2-24 20:47:38 In a rare act of public dissent against the war, the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta has announced that its next edition will come out in Russian and Ukrainian languages.

Dmitry Muratov, the Nobel prize-winning editor of the paper, said that “together with our grief we feel shame” about a war that he directly blamed on Vladimir Putin.

“We’re going to release this next edition of Novaya Gazeta in two languages because we will never see Ukraine as an enemy or Ukrainian as the language of the enemy.”

He added a call for protests against the war.

“Only an anti-war movement of Russians in my opinion can save life on this planet.”

文科乞衣 2022-2-24 20:48:00 AFU = Armed Forces of Ukraine
吾係男朋友 2022-2-24 20:48:08