LIHKG [PC MMORPG] Lost Ark 失落的方舟 (4) 失落的台服
特西 2022-3-13 00:05:51 Gunlancer or Paladin


山西遊客 2022-3-13 01:05:23 日任介面點解alt+j都開唔到嘅?
作曲家 2022-3-13 04:12:41 我想問下仲有冇邊啲地方會比好多harmony shard
海龍皇彼得 2022-3-13 04:20:49 chaos dungeon 商人
grand prix event商人
+1日任道具(mari's shop/event商人)
chaos gate
rohendel dungeons hard mode
海龍皇彼得 2022-3-13 07:05:12 We are aware of an issue within the Tytalos Guardian Raid that makes defeating Tytalos in the time frame alotted extremely difficult for the powerlevel required to participate in the Guardian Raid, creating a blocker for progression. We are working with Smilegate RPG on a hotfix to address this issue which we are aiming to release on Monday. For the time being, we strongly suggest avoiding the Tytalos Guardian Raid so you do not expend valuable time or resources on an encounter that is currently not performing correctly.

We will also be working to create a possible compensation for the players who were blocked from progressing due to this issue with Tytalos. We will share more information as soon as we have it.

We thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.

Good luck in Arkesia!
先豋陥敶慑仟军 2022-3-13 07:50:14
作曲家 2022-3-13 14:18:01 唔該
去打hard mode先
一定要中出 2022-3-13 15:02:39 steam版點課金?可以直接信用卡?
海龍皇彼得 2022-3-13 15:10:50
hyewonbbg 2022-3-13 15:22:33 想買返之前預訂個box嘅skin
因為賣家可以refund返個預訂 又可以拎你啲金走佬
Ive世界第一 2022-3-13 15:43:08 窮撚想課金但聽朋友講話買金抵好多
好掙扎 有無人買過金分享下


海龍皇彼得 2022-3-13 15:43:43 呢個問題都10日前 依家好似冇再發生
海龍皇彼得 2022-3-13 15:52:04 前幾日箱omen箱仲抵過買金 1個箱2萬
12000 粉鑽 ~ 850hkd 夠買5個箱
睇你咩server 美西呢邊就換到5萬金

你rmt 850hkd 就8萬金
(睇reddit一次rmt 40萬金有機會比人ban3日)
白楊木 2022-3-13 16:00:49 t2 14 升15 係咁爆

海龍皇彼得 2022-3-13 16:05:20 我1360開始每爆一下都想死

hyewonbbg 2022-3-13 16:07:15 更新之前我玩EU ser買過一次廿萬金港紙950左右

宜家唔係趕住用的話 可以等一兩個禮拜先 我見佢個價都平緊
不過呢排都唔會再買住 有排都未洗哂
換紫crystal如果你成日買mari shop嘢或者賣課金嘢換金
一定要中出 2022-3-13 16:14:16 Omen箱係邊種 最貴包埋馬果種?
海龍皇彼得 2022-3-13 16:18:01 omen skin set
package都得 限買兩次
一定要中出 2022-3-13 16:23:28
Ive世界第一 2022-3-13 16:27:15 多謝咁多位巴打share
不過我見前幾日金價無喇喇貴左成陪 wtf 之後睇下點先 想問下打treasure map嘅group可以去邊到搵 定就咁係game入邊叫就得
一定要中出 2022-3-13 16:28:52 大家買金多數係邊買


Ive世界第一 2022-3-13 16:29:12 我見啲人話g2g
海龍皇彼得 2022-3-13 16:34:12 活動完喺area chat link自己張Map
Ive世界第一 2022-3-13 16:35:17 想問下npc啲親密度係分開計定全部角色一齊share?
同埋點解我開唔到第13隻角色 明明見到左下寫住有張開角卷
Ive世界第一 2022-3-13 16:36:02 我跑左出黎係咪已經完撚左