2022-8-14 17:16:32
你呢個係Adguard DNS public server.
係免費既, 不過2個問題, 第1個問題public server 個反應慢. 你internet 個反應會慢左, 你用browser 會感覺到, 第2就係你個頁都有講
The difference compared to AdGuard app
Compared to AdGuard app, there is a couple of significant drawbacks: you won't be able to see which requests exactly do apps on your device send. It will also be impossible to use DNS filtering and manually manage which servers to block and which to allow access to.
係免費既, 不過2個問題, 第1個問題public server 個反應慢. 你internet 個反應會慢左, 你用browser 會感覺到, 第2就係你個頁都有講
The difference compared to AdGuard app
Compared to AdGuard app, there is a couple of significant drawbacks: you won't be able to see which requests exactly do apps on your device send. It will also be impossible to use DNS filtering and manually manage which servers to block and which to allow access to.
你無得加加減減要block 既野. 好多香港或亞洲出既廣告, 佢係唔識block, 通常要人手加block rule 先block 到. 之前亦有巴打report 過, 佢block 多左野, 恆生app 同馬會app 用唔到. 你無得自己allow 番佢.