chem 高手請入
搭彩虹 2022-1-22 23:50:55 依d 19題目黎黎去去都係個org chem conversion table

點畫果d問呀sir拎d rules玩下,睇多D就識

兩個大topic都唔識 redox org chem

redox d野再撈埋acid & base
org chem撈埋weak acid base calculation睇你點玩


化學老師 2022-1-23 00:32:57 此回覆已被刪除
晒銀時仔 2022-1-23 02:02:12 樓主依家online可以做多d pp, 記下table
當屬安卡 2022-1-23 02:20:48 呢條mc唔使咁複雜,見到sulphite遇到屈機oxidizing agent, 就一定轉綠色,揀佢冇錯。
課後獸業 2022-1-23 13:04:39 if you want to use RA to explain, you need to write
“chloride is a WEAKER reducing agent than Cr3+”
(why Cr3+ instead of Cr2O7 2-? Because Cr2O7 2- is NOT an RA. Confused? Then just use position of ECS to explain.)
課後獸業 2022-1-23 13:06:04 sorry, should be Cr3+ is a weaker RA than Cl-.
白恤衫灰褲子 2022-1-23 14:13:29 連登真係高手如雲

關於如果用position of ECS explain, 有個寫法問題
假如電解CuSO4, Cu reduced at cathode.
1) Copper is at lower than Hydrogen at ECS position
2) Cu2+ ion is at lower than H+ ion at ECS position
3) Cu is at lower than H2 at ECS position
其實是否都accept. 睇marking 年年唔同.
化學老師 2022-1-23 14:43:07 此回覆已被刪除
白髮漁樵江渚上 2022-1-23 14:47:42
preferrentially discharge嘅題目嚟
一般有3個factor Molarity, ECS position, Nature of electrode
好撚想返工呀屌 2022-1-23 15:38:29 你b 會turn moist blue litmus paper red 再變white wor
化學老師 2022-1-23 15:44:26 此回覆已被刪除


化學老師 2022-1-23 15:48:48 此回覆已被刪除
白恤衫灰褲子 2022-1-23 15:49:58 整多條

答案係colorimetry / IR spectroscopy
R晒頭 formaldehyde 唔係colorless 架咩
白髮漁樵江渚上 2022-1-23 15:50:53

化學老師 2022-1-23 15:50:56 此回覆已被刪除
化學老師 2022-1-23 15:55:49 此回覆已被刪除
冬月茉莉 2022-1-23 15:57:10 冇錯
冬月茉莉 2022-1-23 15:59:03 尤其係colorimetry 不過要加其他chemical
或者到佢gas phase voc 咁做
當屬安卡 2022-1-23 16:10:02 有啲酒精呼氣測試都係用呢個原理
白恤衫灰褲子 2022-1-23 16:32:05 繼續

想問ii) Marking就咁warm with AgNO3

雖然知正路係加NaOH 再加 H+/ AgNO3
但如果warm with AgNO3 directly都做到…
化學老師 2022-1-23 16:59:36 此回覆已被刪除


手持午餐肉 2022-1-23 17:50:51 (ii) Benzyl halide 會容易d做substitution
(probably via Sn1 substitution)
所以就咁用Ag(NO3) (aq) 個H2O同warm

就可以打走個halide 出precipitates

白恤衫灰褲子 2022-1-23 19:55:20 thx
白恤衫灰褲子 2022-1-23 19:55:32 thx
S-orbital 2022-1-23 20:25:42 Benzyl halides will undergo Sn1 readily, as the intermediate carbocation is stabilized by the benzyl group (resonance effect, not DSE chem involved). Therefore, the leaving halogen groups are readily removed and precipitate with Ag+