[PolyU] 紅磚大學討論區 (64) - 虎年要幫滕狗開年
武漢居民 2022-1-23 15:00:22 really?


thankyousomuch 2022-1-23 15:05:51
紅磚營養師 2022-1-23 15:06:52
thankyousomuch 2022-1-23 15:20:31
小貓三兩隻 2022-1-23 15:24:57
thankyousomuch 2022-1-23 15:33:41
追光之少年 2022-1-23 15:35:29
原•點 2022-1-23 15:43:29 就嚟打針 好擔心打完會好唔c伏
伊波杏樹的蜜柑 2022-1-23 15:56:05 到過完農曆新年咋⋯
獨立豬細路 2022-1-23 15:59:55 可摸耳唔打針
れんげ 2022-1-23 16:02:49 滕狗


Hi你個頭 2022-1-23 16:05:23 滕狗肯全sem轉online未
好撚灰Ar! 2022-1-23 16:21:54 有冇師兄有Dynamic Earth嘅source
扑野快樂 2022-1-23 16:48:45 又行番FULLY ONLINE
Hi你個頭 2022-1-23 16:51:06 source?
狗公格輸入法 2022-1-23 16:56:39 要exam都online先得架
樹大冇風 2022-1-23 17:15:04 咪搞 成班仆街online考試一定出貓
れんげ 2022-1-23 17:17:05 等左半個鍾都無source
純情小雞丁 2022-1-23 17:17:26 無email 姐係未定
紅磚營養師 2022-1-23 17:23:01 online!!!
紅磚營養師 2022-1-23 17:25:45 Dear Students

Latest Update on Learning and Teaching (LT) Arrangements for Semester 2, 2021/22

Taking into consideration the drastic increase in the COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong over the past few days, the Central Management Team of the University has decided to revise the LT arrangements for Semester 2 as below with effect from 24 January 2022 (Monday) and until further notice.

Students who are living in areas of high risk of exposure, or who are required to undergo compulsory COVID-19 testing and have not obtained negative testing results are strongly advised to stay and study at home.

(A) Learning and Teaching Arrangements

General learning and teaching activities
All general learning and teaching activities (e.g. lectures, tutorials, etc.) will be conducted via the online mode
, using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, MS Teams, or Zoom as appropriate. All lectures, seminars and tutorials will be video-taped and uploaded to the Learning Management System (LMS) for students' reference and revision.

Essential learning and teaching activities
Arrangements for essential learning and teaching activities, such as practicums, clinical skills training, laboratory and studio sessions as deemed mandatory by Faculties/Departments, will be decided by subject offering departments in achieving the intended learning outcomes, e.g. to be conducted online, switched to small groups with appropriate social distancing and protection measures, offering make-up sessions or postponing/deferring these activities. Subject offering departments will advise students of the arrangements separately.


れんげ 2022-1-23 17:25:47 until further notice
指彈結他手 2022-1-23 17:26:25 全online until further notice
你要撞就撞我啦 2022-1-23 17:27:24 希望可以爆到考試都online la
存倉TQQQ 2022-1-23 17:27:35 Online 了